chp 18 💘

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"Happiness is not something that you have to achieve. You still be happy during the process of achieving something."

A few weeks later

Everyone is glad that Y/n is finally back. Especially the members. Yoongi told the members about Y/n's pregnancy during their dinner together. All of them seem to be very excited and happy about the news. Yoongi had to stop them from spoiling the baby. Well, Jungkook almost bought a timberland sneaker, while the others almost bought stuff from Gucci and Lois Vuitton for the baby. 

Y/n is currently staying with Yoongi. He insisted that she should move over and stay with him at his apartment so that he can keep an eye on her and the baby. Knowing Yoongi will not allow her to stay alone, she just kept quiet and move in with him last week. Yoongi allowed her to continue to work at the firm after discussing with Y/n's brother to make sure that the workload is lesser for her. 

Y/n's pov

"Yoongi?" I answered the phone after noticing that it was Yoongi calling. He will be freaking out if I didn't answer the phone. Once, I left my phone in my office while attending a short meeting when he called. He almost left his studio and come to the firm just because you missed the call. 

"Baby...I miss you." 

"I miss you too Yoonie. How's work?"

"Great. Namjoon, Hoseok, and I just completed the tracks. Have you eaten yet baby?"

"Yeah, I have just eaten with Minah and oppa just now. Don't worry, I'm a good girl, I took the vitamins too!" Ever since Yoongi found out that Y/n is pregnant, he has been very protective. He will call you frequently to check up on you, make sure you didn't skip any meals, overworked or stressed, and even make sure that you took the vitamins he bought for you from the pharmacy.

"Good. I will pick you up later after work. Wait for me a while ok, baby?"

"Alright. Call me when you're here. Yoongi, you didn't forget about the dinner with my family tonight right?"

"Of course, I remembered. I am a bit nervous, baby."

"Don't be! I'm sure they will like you Yoonie." 


I knocked on the door while waiting for my dad to open the door. Yoongi and me standing in front of the door, our hands intertwined. 

"Y/n ah, and this is..." Appa greet both of us as he opened the door.

"Hello, sir. You can call me Yoongi." Yoongi bowed and hand appa the fruits and supplements he bought for him. 

"Aigoo, handsome man. Just call me appa ok? Come in" I pat Yoongi's shoulder to assure him that everything is ok before entering the house. 

"Sit down" Yoongi kneel in front of me as he instructed me to sit down on the stool beside the shoe rack, and removed my shoes for me. Appa just looks at both of us while smiling.


At the dining table.

"Eat more baby." I stare at the bowl in front of me, filled with meat to the brim. Yoongi keeps scoping more meat into my bowl. 

"So, Yoongi. What are you working as now?"

"Err- I am a producer...and an idol."

"Appa, Yoongi is a member of BTS, the-"

"OH BTS! I like that group." Both of us felt relieved that appa is ok with Yoongi being an idol. The dinner continued with oppa and appa throwing more questions to Yoongi and he gladly answered all of it honestly. I'm happy that the three of them can bond together happily like this. What a great and loving sight.


"I hope that you can take good care of my daughter, Yoongi. Don't let me down ok? Y/n ah, bring Yoongi over more often alright?" Appa sends us off before it's too late. It's dangerous to drive at late night according to him. He hugged us before bidding him farewell. Seems like appa and oppa approved Yoongi. They like Yoongi a lot. I chuckled as I think about it while holding his hand when he's driving. I rubbed my visible baby bump, feeling happy.

Everything is going well currently. I have been attending online classes from home because of my pregnancy and Yoongi, has been enjoying his work. Oh, I did place a restriction order on Hyuna and the court approved it. Yoongi feels much comfortable because Hyuna can no longer disturb him anymore. Tbh, our baby and I feel happy too! No more jealously in the air~

I don't like her going near my man. 

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