chp 21 🖤

70 2 0

"In a world full of anger and violence, I choose to win with love."

Y/n's pov

A few weeks later, everything went back to normal. We received a lot of love from the fans and the public. They have been sending us wishes and showering us with blessings.

 Our baby is now 20 weeks old. The bump growing every day. I have been starting to feel some small movements and the worst, very swollen feet. My feet swell as if someone hit them with a hammer especially in the morning. I had to buy new sneakers because my old ones won't fit anymore! 

Yoongi has been very busy these days. He will come home late at night, often after I'm asleep. I noticed that he has been very exhausted when he comes home, dozing off on the couch sometimes, and most importantly, I can feel that he is hiding something from me. He looks very worried and troubled. At first, I thought it might be due to stress but Namjoon told me yesterday that they had already completed almost all the work. 

He didn't call me that much anymore nor reply to my messages that frequently. I tried to think positively but seems like I failed. Especially during pregnancy, I feel more sensitive. I couldn't help thinking that maybe, he doesn't love me anymore? 


Yoongi's pov

"Yoongi ah, don't screw this up ok?"

"I know hyung...I don't know how to tell her yet. I'm scared." I sighed as I look at Jin hyung. Both of us are in my studio to discuss the matter.

"Eventually, she will need to know this..."


Y/n's pov

"Yeobuseyo?" I can hear his heavy breathing, probably he is dancing just now.

"Chim, it's me." 

"OH-noona. How about you and the baby? Have you found out the gender yet?"

"We're fine, Chim. Don't worry. Yoongi and I scheduled an appointment next week and maybe by then we will find out the gender." I chuckled as I rubbed my baby bump.

"I can't wait to play with your baby! Remember to tell us the gender as soon as you find out"

"Btw, Chim. Is Yoongi busy now?"

"Hyung? I don't know noona. I haven't seen him at all in the company today. I am sure he's not in the company. Wait- isn't he with you?"

"It's ok then. Thank you, Chim!" I ended the call and flipped through my phone again. Yoongi texted me an hour ago saying that he's in the company practicing with the boys but Jimin didn't see him at all today. I tried calling Yoongi but he never answer the calls.

Why are you lying to me Yoongi-ah...

"Appa doesn't want us anymore is it?" I rubbed my belly as I felt some slight movement. Even the baby is upset and worried now. I sighed. 

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