chp 14 💔

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"Even loneliness turns into something you see.."

Author's pov

"Hyung, you locked yourself in the studio for days, geez."

"Yah Yoongi, come out and eat."

Jin and Jimin tried to drag Yoongi out of his studio. He has been staying in his studio for days ever since the press release, not answering any of their calls. The members tried calling Y/n too but none of their calls or texts are answered. Both of them are making the members worried.


Y/n's pov

I am currently taking over the firm as oppa and appa went to LA last week for a very important contract. 

"daepyonim, there's a lady with the surname Kim, asking for you."


"Alright, bring her in." 

Someone knocked on my door before opening it, revealing Minah and a lady following behind her. I put away the documents that I'm signing just now before walking towards them and gestured the lady to have a seat. The lady sat right in front of me, facing me. She's wearing a black hat, a mask, and sunglasses as if she's a vampire, afraid of the sun.

She then take off her glasses and face mask after Minah left my office, leaving both of us alone. It was her, Kim Hyuna. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked sound annoyed as I realized her identity.

"Leave Yoongi." She crossed her legs while staring at her nails.

"None of your business." I stand up, walking back towards my desk to continue my work. Talking to her will only waste my time. I will rather be sleeping.

"Leave him, Lee Y/n. You will only ruin his career. Didn't you see what happened that day? Do you know how much trouble you caused?" 

She's right, Lee Y/n. You only cause trouble. I thought as I listen to her.

"If you love him, you should let him go. You are nothing good for him." 

"Just leave. Before I call the guards." I stand up, looking back at her.

"Tsk, you think I want to stay here any longer?'

"What makes you think that you're worth staying here? I'm sorry but the door is right there." She shoots me a glare before putting her glasses and face mask back. I put away the documents I was reading just now and turned towards the window. Spacing out while thinking about what Hyuna said just now. I hate to admit it but she's right. I will only ruin his career. We all know how important music is to him. I can't be that selfish, Yoongi...

She's right.


Yoongi's pov

"Hyung I swear if you're not answering I will call Jungkook here and ask him to kick your door open." 


"Go away." 

"Ok. I'm calling Jungkook." Jimin then walk away from my studio, finally. Producer-nim came just now, adding salt to my wound. He told me that I will be collaborating with Hyuna to help advertise her. What? Why must it be her? Or should I say why must they choose me? Producer-nim didn't even give me a choice. I hate it. I hate being an idol, being watched 24/7, and having no freedom at all. I can't love someone like how I want to. I hate what I have done to Y/n. Every time I think about her, I will remember how she looks at me with tears in her eyes, telling me she's in pain because of me. After the press conference, Y/n declined my calls and ignored all my texts. I can't go over to her apartment because of the stupid rumor, I'm still being watched and the company wants me to stay cautious. They restricted me from meeting Y/n. Even the members are unable to contact Y/n.


One unread message from Y/n
Yoongi. I want to say thank you for everything. Lots of laughter filled the days that I spent with you. I cherish every moment we had, thanking God for allowing me to be happy even for a short while. It's ok, Yoongi ah. I understand. We're not meant for each other, I'm not the right person, Yoongi. Everything that happened that night is wrong. Let's just forget it, ok? It's all mistakes we made when we're drunk. I regretted it. We should stop making mistakes Yoongi. Please, don't look for me anymore. My farewell.

My heart crashed when I read the message from her. Tell me you're joking Y/n...

I tried calling her only to realize that she blocked me...

Why are you doing this to me Y/n? 


Y/n's pov

I clutched my chest, sitting at the corner of my room as I sobbed in pain. My heart aching at every word I typed. Loving someone means letting go, even if it means pain for you. I want to see him continue to shine on stage, continue to expand his wings, flying up high. As long as he's okay and happy, the pain will be worthy.

Yoongi ah, I'm sorry...

I fought back the tears to make you happy, but, were you happy in the first place?









Short update, I don't have the mood to write after seeing the news that Yoongi is sick. 

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