chp 4 📲

133 7 0

"If you can't see what's infront of you, you lose."

y/n's pov


I gaze away from my laptop, reaching for my phone upon noticing a new notification.

"Huh? Who is this? Unknown number."

One unread message from an unknown number.                                 
 * It's me. Yoongi.

I was about to reply when my secretary knocked on my door.

"Ms y/n, someone is waiting for you in the meeting room." I nodded before picking up the blue documents on my table. 

yoongi's pov

                      Seen  11.35 a.m.

"Did she forget me already? Why is she not replying? Or did I say something wrong?"

"Hyung! Pd-nim looking for you!"  Jimin burst into the studio, yelling as if I'm deaf. 

"I'm coming." 


y/n's pov

"Alright, nice to work with you, Mr.Sim. I will let my secretary send you the documents by tomorrow." I bowed for the last time before the elevator's door close. The meeting with Mr.Sim, a new company that just signed a contract with us lasted for 2 hours. I sighed as I enter my office, plopping on my chair. As my hand reach the pocket of my coat, I suddenly got reminded of the message from Yoongi. I took my phone out hoping to reply to his message.

"Arghhh seriously???" I groaned in frustration when my phone died. I didn't even bring along my cable to work today as I was rushing this morning. I decided to leave the firm earlier since most of the urgent works has been completed. The news playing on the television caught my attention the moment I stepped my feet out of my office room.

Suga of BTS returned from Hawaii yesterday, revealed that he has been working on his mixtape. His fans have been waiting for his return since years ago. Let's wait ahead for his great masterpiece.

I finally realized the familiar figure on the news, Suga is the guy I met in Hawaii that day

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I finally realized the familiar figure on the news, Suga is the guy I met in Hawaii that day. Yoongi. 

"Yoongi?" I questioned as I stood in front of the television outside my office.

"Yeah, Yoongi. A member of BTS. You knew him too ms.y/n ?" My secretary spoke as she looks at me feeling curious as I usually don't pay attention to news related to the entertainment industry.

"I have something going on Minah ah. Text me if something happens. Tell oppa too." I exited the firm immediately upon hearing what Minah told me. I need to talk to him.  Why didn't he tell me that day? I run towards my car, drove home exiting the firm.


Suga of BTS also known as Min Yoongi and Agust D born on 9 March 1993......

I was searching about him on google using my laptop while waiting for my phone to restart. 
"So, this is what he meant by what he thought I would know? Him being famous and in a boyband?"

I frown as I continue scrolling. "He should at least tell me." For some reason, I felt sad as I figured out that he hide the fact that he's Suga of BTS from me. 

* Hey. Yoongi, I'm sorry I have something going on just now.              Sent 6 p.m.

* Yoongi-ah. Do you have anything to tell me?                                                            Sent 6.02 p.m.  

Will you tell me the truth now Yoongi ah?


Yoongi's pov

"We will start the shooting for your main track next week." I nod in agreement with my PD's word before exiting his office.

My hands reach out to my pocket to take my phone as I feel my phone vibrating. It was her.

Finally, you replied. I thought to myself.

Two unread messages from y/n                                                                                   * Hey. Yoongi, I'm sorry I have something going on just now.         
   Sent 6 p.m.

* Yoongi-ah. Do you have anything to tell me?                                                             Sent 6.02 p.m.  

I sighed. She must have figured it out already. 

* You must have figured it out already. Look, I didn't mean to keep it from you. I thought that it would be best if you don't know about it. I don't want you to treat me differently just because I am an idol.
Sent 6.05 p.m.

* I thought we are friends? Shouldn't you let me know about it? What if I accidentally exposed abt you because I am unaware that you're Suga of BTS? Yoongi ah I feel very disappointed and upset. - y/n

* I'm sorry y/n. I hope that you can understand the reasons behind this.  Seen  6.11 p.m.

I sighed as she left my message seen without replying. She must be very disappointed with me. It's not easy for me too y/n I hope that you'll understand one day.

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