chp 15 🍼

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"Nothing is stronger than a person with a broken heart and a smiling face."

Y/n's pov

It's been days since I send him the text. Before sending the text, I told Jin oppa and Namjoon to take care of him, knowing that Yoongi will surely listen to them. They will keep me updated secretly so that I can work without worrying for Yoongi. While Yoongi? I heard from Jin that he continued to lock himself in his studio. Sometimes he only allows Namjoon to enter which is better than none. I told Jin to get rid of the alcohol in his apartment and send him some food. Jajangmyeon from the same shop I bought for him that day. At least he ate a few scoops of it. 

I've been drowning myself with work in the firm. Oppa had to stay longer to handle the leftover business in LA. Appa told me that oppa found his love there, so I'm guessing that he will be staying there longer than expected. I don't mind and I'm happy for him. At least he found someone he love. Nothing is luckier than being able to find your right one among the crowd. Everything is going back to normal now, Yoongi and the boys continue to perform. I guessed he moved on from me. Which is a good thing.

Me? I'm ok. I guess...?

I will still pay attention to the news, stealing a few glances without people noticing. Sobbing under the blankets at night. Gulping bottles of alcohol to help to put me to sleep. Like a maniac. A mess. My job is much simpler now as I am currently training a guy, a graduate of Seoul National University. A large portion of my tasks now is done by him. He's a smart one I got to admit that. I only need to teach one and he's good to go. Not long later, he will be able to help oppa run the firm and replace my position. I feel much assured to leave the firm to him and oppa while I continue to pursue my dream. I didn't forget the promise I made to Yoongi. 


"You're not hungry?" Minah asked as she look at my plate of food, untouched.

"No appetite..." I put my fork down before grabbing my cup of drink. These days I've been feeling dizzy and unwell. I lost my appetite too. 

"But you barely eat much for days Y/n ah. Are you ok? You look pale and thinner."

"I'm also clueless about what happened to my Minah. I just- don't feel like eating. I've been hovering over the toilet bowl, vomiting every morning. I guess it must be my stomach." I sighed as I look out of the window of the cafe.

"You should go and consult a doctor soon Y/n ah. Don't worry too much about the firm, Angus will handle it. Do you want me to arrange an appointment and go with you?"

"It's ok. I will go soon by myself. I'm not a kid anymore." Both of us chuckled as I watch her eat.

"I'll go back to the firm first. Representatives from Park Holdings will attend the meeting later. I'm worried that Angus might not be able to handle it by himself." I then leave the cafe and walk back to the firm which is only a few minutes away.


I sat on my chair in my office before switching on my desktop. News that popped up caught my attention. 

Hug Me Tight, by Hyuna featuring Suga was released yesterday. Fans were shipping both of them as the chemistry between the both is incredible. Through an interview with Hyuna, the artist herself revealed that she has a huge crush on Suga. Will our ship sink? Let's expect some good news from them soon.

The article that I least expect the most. Never thought about breaking down over a piece of news. A picture of Yoongi and Hyuna attached at the end of the article breaks my heart. He looks happy. They are right, both of them look good together. I should have realized that earlier.


I quickly wipe my tears not wanting Angus to see it but I was too late.

"Noona, why are you crying?"

"Ani- err dust went into my eyes. Let's go. The meeting is starting soon." I grab my phone and head towards the conference room. While waiting for the guests to arrive, I took a glance at my phone. A notification from my tracking app shows that I'm late for a week which I just shrug it off thinking that it must be due to stress.


Yoongi's pov

"Have you moved on from her, hyung?"

"Of course."

"You're lying hyung. I didn't even say who is that her." I sighed as I turned to face Namjoon. Noth of us in his studio now, discussing the tracks. He's right. Every time I thought that I have moved on for her, reality hits hard. I would constantly stare at the photos we took during the comeback stage for hours. Tears slipped off my eyes unconsciously. How to forget someone you loved dearly?

"I don't know what you're saying." I lied to hide the fact. He caught my wrist, stopping me from leaving, "Hyung, I know you're in pain. What producer-nim said is correct. If you really care for her and want to protect her, this is the only way."

"I know." 


Y/n's pov

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mrs. Park. We would love to continue our collaboration in the future too." 

Angus then escorts Mrs.Park and her team out after the meeting ended while I head back towards my room. I'm feeling dizzy and nauseous during the entire meeting. Angus noticed that my face turned paler too that's why he offered to escort the guest out on my behalf. 

My breathing got heavier and my vision turn blurry with every step I made towards my office. Before I could grab the nearest table as support, my whole vision turned black and my body hit the cold floor.

Angus's pov

After sending the guests off, I head back towards the firm. The moment I open the door to the front hall, I saw Ms. Y/n on the ground, unconscious. I quickly take out my phone from my pocket and call for an ambulance. Minah rushed towards us when she came back from her lunch break. Both of us panicked as we try to wake her up but she did not respond to us. 


After sending her to the nearest hospital, both Minah and I stayed and wait for the doctor's reports. It has been hours since the doctors went into the room to examine her. We could only contact sajangnim to tell her that his daughter fainted and currently undergoing a checkup. Junhae hyung is still in LA now. 

Y/n's pov

I woke up and squinted my eyes as my surrounding is very bright. I tried to sit up before being stopped by my dad.

"Appa?" I looked around, noticing that I'm in a foreign place.

"Oh god- you're finally awake Y/n ah. Do you know how worried appa is?" He holds my hand before helping me to sit up slowly.

"Wae? What happened?"

"You dumb. You fainted in the office just now and luckily Angus and Minah send you here on time. Why didn't you tell me I'm going to be a grandpa Y/n ah?"

I looked at him in confusion. "Grandpa? What are saying appa?"

"You're pregnant Y/n, ah, you didn't know it?"

"What-? I'm?" I'm in shock in disbelief. So, that's why I'm nauseous, and, late?


"Who's the handsome guy? Better bring him over one day. I want to see my handsome son-in-law." I touched my belly, rubbing it slowly in disbelief. 

"I told Junhae just now. He's happy and excited about it. He will be back soon and take over the work. For now, rest well and don't worry much ok?" Appa looks very happy about it as he keeps on talking about the baby while I'm thinking of what to do. It's not that I'm not's just that things are complicated now. 

What should I do now...?

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