Final 👰🤵

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"You're the star that turns ordinaries into extraordinaries."

Author's pov

The day they have been waiting had finally arrived, the wedding day. It was the day that Y/n and Yoongi were waiting for, that felt like an eternity. The day the two of them were finally gonna be together forever. 

The wedding preparation was done by Yoongi with the help of his parents and the members, but mostly he's the one that plans and decides on everything. He forbids Y/n from helping so that Y/n can rest without worries. Of course, he will ask for Y/n's opinion. The hall was very well decorated, just like what Y/n wants. 

They invited their family members, the members and some of their friends to their wedding. Outside the hall, fans were cheering on the newlyweds after Yoongi announced their marriage last week. 

Currently, Y/n is getting ready for the wedding that is about to happen in half an hour.

Y/n's pov

I sat on the chair, looking into the mirror in front of me while Minah and my brother's girlfriend, Chae Young help me to do my hair. Yoongi hired some of the make-up noona from his company to help Chae Young and Minah with my make-up. I don't have many friends, thankfully both Minah and Chae Young agreed to be my bridesmaids. 

"Aigoo, honey you look gorgeous!" Yoongi's mom which is now my mother-in-law stared at me in awe, leaning against the wall nearby the door.

"Thank you omma." I smiled sweetly at her, while she approaches me.

"Here, this will complete your look, dear." She then take out a box from her handbag and passed it to me. I gasped when I open the blue velvet box, a very beautiful diamond necklace.

"Omma, you don't have to do this! I can't take this, this must be very expensive!" I tried to give her back the box but Mrs.Min insisted that I should keep it. It was a wedding gift for me from Mr.Min and her. I hugged her, showing her my gratitude. Indeed, the necklace completed my look the moment Minah helped me to put on the necklace.

"Honey, thank you for choosing and taking care of my son. You changed him a lot. I'm glad that both of you are happy." 


Yoongi's pov

"Heyy, Kihyun. You're here! I thought you were busy?"

"Ayy man, can't miss my best friend's wedding right? You look handsome bro"

"Ayy man, can't miss my best friend's wedding right? You look handsome bro"

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"Thank you, please enjoy the wedding ok? Eat more."

"I will. Not going to blast your cyphers? Cypher pt 3 in your wedding sounds good." I smacked his back lightly,

"Nah, I'm not going to curse and diss in my own wedding. Y/n will kill me for that." We chat for a while before I excuse myself to greet the others. 

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