chp 9 🐰

92 5 0

"The world will not treat you better, just because you are a good person."

Author's pov


"Hyung? Noona? It's time for dinner!" Jungkook pressed the bell on Yoongi's door. Both of them pull away from the intense kiss. Yoongi groaned as he walked towards the door to unlock it for Jungkook.

"Hyung-" Jungkook was about to knock when the door opened to a frustrated-looking Yoongi. 

"What?" Yoongi questioned, annoyed while Y/n sit on the sofa, awake, and chuckled at the sight.

"Dinner!" Jungkook smiled cheekily before running away.

"Dinner!" Jungkook smiled cheekily before running away

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Y/n's pov

"Minah, could you help me to collect the documents from level 2? I need it for tomorrow's court." I yelled from my room as I continue to type on my laptop. I have returned to the firm to help out and it is easier for both Minah and oppa too. Well, they no need to send documents to my house anymore. Seems like the whole firm is happy with my return as they hugged me tightly this morning. 

"Yes?" I pick up the call from the front desk.

"Ms. Y/n, there's a delivery here for you. It's from someone with the surname Min."

Min? Is it Yoongi?   I thought before being interrupted by the call.

"Ms? Do you want me to send it up?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you." I end the call before moving back to my work.


I looked at the box of food placed on my desk not long ago. I stretched my arms, trying to reach for the box as I saw a note on it. 

'Eat up. I know you haven't. Don't get too worked up.  -myg'

"Thank you" I mouthed as I read the note. Yoongi sent me a box of bento from a famous bento shop around Myeongdong. I smiled as he guessed it correctly. I haven't eaten since morning. Ever since the kiss that day, well, both of us have been busy with our work. I heard from Jimin that they are preparing for a comeback which is someone during this week. I just shake my head when I remembered the kiss that day.  Cute.


Yoongi's pov

I smiled as I received the notification from Y/n, thanking me for the food. I was about to reply to her when Jungkook bulge into the room, panting hard.

"HYUNG!!! HYUNG!!! SHE'S- SHE'S BACK!!!" The rest of the members look at Jungkook confused.

"Calm down Jungkook ah. Who is it?" Jin asked.

"It's her." I sighed, as I realized who is the 'she' meant by Jungkook.

"She is here, in the conference room. I heard from stylist noona that she's going to sign a 3 years contract with us." Jungkook continued.

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