chp 8 💏🏻

93 4 1

"Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger."

Y/n's pov

Hybe Corporation

"Oh- Ms.Y/n, you're here again for the members?" The girl from that day greeted me again. 

"Yeah, I was around here just now so I decided to drop by and send them some food. They are having lunch break right?" The girl looked at the watch on her wrist before nodding.

"About the time for their break. You can go to the same room on the same level as that day." I thanked her before walking further down the hallway and wait for the lift to arrive. 


I clapped my hands, amazed by their performance as they finish practicing. They looked towards the door, running towards me.

"Noona! You're here. Why didn't you tell us just now?" Jungkook cooed as he pulled me into the room.

"Ani, all of you looked so focused, I don't want to disturb you guys." I looked around, noticing the missing figure.

"Where is Yoongi?" I finally asked.

"Yoongi hyung locked himself in his studio since this morning. He didn't want to come out for breakfast and lunch." 

"Yeah, what Jimin said is correct. He's working on the new album. He's always like that whenever he is producing, he can even stay in his studio for three days." Namjoon continued.

"Y/n, do you mind helping us to drag his ass out? He needs to eat and he doesn't respond to our call. Maybe he will respond to yours." 

"Sure. I will try to talk to him Jin oppa. Oh right, here, I bought some food for you all. Enjoy!" I passed them the food before heading out towards Yoongi's studio.


Yoongi's pov


"Go away." I groaned as someone pressed the bell of my studio.

"Yoongi, it's me. Y/n." I recognize the familiar voice as I get up to unlock the door.

"Y/n? Why are you here? Come in." 

"I dropped by to send you guys some food...I was around the area just now. Yoongi ah, I heard from the member you're abusing yourself again., I'm upset." She pouts.

"Abuse?" I shift my gaze back on the monitor, finishing the final touch-up before turning back to look at her.

"Yes. You're abusing yourself. They said you skipped breakfast and even lunch. You even refused to leave the studio..."

"I am not hungry y/n." 

"No, you're hungry Min Yoongi! Come here, eat with me. I am starving too. I bought you some jajangmyeon. I heard that this shop sells delicious jajangmyeon. Come eat, if you don't, the noodles will be soggy and I don't like that." She took the chopsticks and pass me, moving nearer to me.

"If you don't eat, I will be angry and I won't talk to you anymore. I'll go talk to Chim and Kookie." She pouts as she sees that I didn't take the chopstick from her.

"Alright, let's eat. Thank you for the food." I gave in and start to devour the delicious jajangmyeon. 

"I told my dad about pursuing my dream, surprisingly he agreed. I will still help the firm in the meantime until I found someone to replace my position and...I signed myself up for courses in Kukje University of Arts, majoring in music productions." I looked at her, putting my chopstick down.

"Really? It's good to hear that y/n ah, I'm happy for you. I can teach and help you with assignments."

"Thank you, Yoongi. I will work hard and not disappoint you, master!" She chuckled.


Y/n's pov

"Oh- Y/n, You make him eat???" I saw Hoseok while I close Yoongi's door, heading out to throw the empty food container.

"Yeah, I threatened him." I chuckled.

"Y/n, you're the first one to do so, and he listened to you. I'm impressed. Thank you y/n ah, he's starting to change. You make him happy..." Hoseok's words surprised me. 

"I'm going to leave now, talk to you again later." I nod as Hoseok leaves me alone in the hallway, thinking about what he said just now.

I make him...happy?


I sat on the floor, looking at him as he continues doing his work

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I sat on the floor, looking at him as he continues doing his work.  Hoseok's words played in my brain.

Thank you y/n ah, he's starting to change. You make him happy...

"I feel so complicated...." I blurted out unconsciously causing Yoongi to turn around with a curious look on his face.


"Nothing, err, work-related stuff." I lied as I shift my gaze back on my laptop. The truth is, I have complicated feelings towards him. He changed me in some ways too. I'm afraid.


Yoongi's pov

Finally, after two hours of working, I finalized the entire draft and sent it to Namjoon. I yawned as I stretched, feeling tired from seating too long. I was about to talk to her when I notice her sleeping with her head on the table. She looks uncomfortable as she sits on the floor. I get up from my seat and squat down to her level. Looking at her face, she looks tired as she sleeps peacefully. 

Aish, you will get backache if you sleep like this.  I thought to myself as I decide to carry her to lay down on the sofa so that she can sleep comfortably.

I slowly take her laptop from her lap and place it on the table before carrying her to the sofa, trying not to wake her up. 

As I place her down on the sofa, she starts to stir around. Her eyes flutter open, our face inches away. Our eyes met as we looked into each other. My hands were still around her shoulder and thigh.

"I-I'm sorry, I was about to-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, she smashed her lips on mine. I could feel her warm and strawberry-flavored lip balm. My heart skipped a beat at the sudden kiss. I close my eye, responding to the kiss as I held her face, trying to find a better angle to deepen the kiss. 

Our first kiss...

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