chp 17 💖

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"Nothing else matters if you're not ok. When loving, always start with yourself."

Yoongi's pov

"Hello?" An unexpected voice answered the phone. It was not Y/n but a man instead.

"I am looking for Y/n. Who are you?"

"I am her brother. She's not here now."

"Can I know where is her? Please, I need to see her, she's important to me. I cannot afford to lose her." I, Min Yoongi, literally just begged him. I'm willing to do anything to get Y/n back.

"I suppose you're the guy." He sighed as he continued.

"I am doing this for my sister's sake. I hope you won't disappoint her this time. She's heading to Incheon airport. Her flight to Hawaii is in another one hour. Hurry up, man." 

"Thank you. I promise to not let her go anymore." I end the call and run out of her apartment. I drive as fast as I can, of course not breaking the law. I'm not risking my life, I don't want to leave Y/n and our baby alone. I need to reach the airport as soon as possible and stop her from boarding the flight. 

"Excuse me, where is the gate for the flight to Hawaii that is taking off soon?"

"There's only one flight to Hawaii today, sir. You can head right, gate 31-"

I run towards the right even before the person in the passenger service could finish his sentence. There are only 15 minutes left before the flight takes off. I need to be as fast as possible. I yelled Y/n's name as I run through the airport, trying to spot her in the crowd. People look at me like I'm crazy. I don't care if people recognize me, my priority is Y/n now. Luckily, there are not many people in the airport at this timing.

I stopped in front of gate 31, looking around as I caught my breath. I had to contact the person in charge to let me in by telling him the story behind it. At first, he denied my entry so I have to call my manager for help. Thank God he finally allowed me to go in accompanied. I sat there, crying my lungs out as I continue to yell Y/n's name. She's not there...

The moment I sat there holding my knees and crying, a soft voice calling my name caught my attention. I looked in the direction. It was her, Y/n. Without hesitation, I run towards her, hugging her tightly. 

"I found you.." I said in between of my sobs, still not letting her go. 

"Why are you here, Yoongi..."

"I love you. I knew everything Y/n. Why are you so stupid? I don't allow you to leave me anymore, Lee Y/n. You hear me?" I finally break the hug, cupping her face to look at me. I smashed my lips on her again, "Lee Y/n, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend? I am a fool, a fool that is madly in love with you." I confessed after the kiss.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes before nodding and we kissed again. I missed the feeling of her warm lips on mine. It has been a while. 

"I love you too, Yoongi..."

"Now, stop crying baby. You will make our baby upset too." I wiped the tears off her eyes.

"How- how did you know? Oppa told you?"

"This. I found it in your apartment." I took the report from my coat and showed her.

"Wait-how did you get this?" She then put her hands into her pockets, trying to look for something.

"I must have dropped it from my pocket when I was wearing my shoes just now. I didn't even realize it." She said after rummaging through the pockets.

"How could you keep it from me Y/n ah...and you are planning to run away from me?" 

"I'm sorry Yoongi, I thought that's the best for you..." 

"Nothing matters to me if you're not with me baby...don't you dare to leave me again." 

"But Hyuna-"

"She's annoying." I cut her off as I knew what she was about to say.

"You're the only one I want Y/n. I don't want anything or anyone else, and...can you help me to put a restriction order on her?"

"Sure." Both of us chuckled, before pulling in each other for another hug. We're lucky that we found each other. Not everyone is as lucky as us, able to hold each other again before it's too late. Some never cross paths anymore, isn't it a waste? Go ahead and chase after it before it's too late so that you'll not leave any regrets behind. 

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