chp 11 💐

85 6 0

"I love you, that's the reason why you can hurt me easily."

Y/n's pov

It's been days since that incident. Yoongi has been trying to reach me, trying to explain himself. I ignored his texts and calls, I don't want to face him for now. My heart aches every time I remembered the scene of both of them kissing down the hallway. Even my own feeling is confusing. We kissed before, but what does it mean? None of us try to clear things out. This relationship is confusing as hell. At some point, we're like friends, we're like soulmates, we're like....lover. I denied the fact, fooling everyone else, but not myself. I sighed as my phone rang again, it was Yoongi. 

Ani! I don't want to talk to you now, pabo.  I shift my gaze back on the document that I was reading just now.



"Heol, noona. You finally answered. I thought your phone fell into the toilet bowl." 

"Yes, Kookie? I was having a conference call just now." 

"Noona, are you free tomorrow? Can you come to our comeback stage? 5 o'clock!" 

"I'm not sure kookie ah, I'm having a very important meeting from 4 onwards. I don't think I can make it." I apologized, as I might not be able to make it. Aside from that, I want to avoid Yoongi too. Can you imagine how awkward it will be? Hell no, I'm not digging my own grave.


"Tell noona that I miss her!" Jimin's cute voice is the end of my life.

"Alright, alright. I will try my best ok? I will go immediately after the meeting for Kookie and Chim."


"Thank you for your time, Mr. Kim, and we are looking forward to greater achievement. The contract will be ready tomorrow. Nice working with you, Mr.Kim." I greet the man as I send him out. Finally, the meeting ended. I look at my watch, cursing. 5.08 p.m.  "Shit! Minah, can you help me handle the rest? I need to go now! Bye!" I quickly rushed towards my car after passing her the files I'm holding just now.


Author's pov

"Do you think noona will make it on time?" Jimin leaned over to Jungkook's shoulder while waiting for their turn to go up on the stage.

"Hopefully she will. Yoongi hyung rarely talks these days probably noona still mad at her." Both of them sound disappointed and look towards the silent man. 

"But why is noona mad at hyung?" Jungkook continued.

"Pabo. Of course, noona is mad. Can't you see something is happening between them? LOVE!!!" Jimin smacked Jungkook's head lightly, shaking his head at the clueless Jungkook.

"Oh-the love spark, like the fireworks. BOOM BOOM" The muscular bunny giggled.


"Look! It's noona! She's here!!!!" Jungkook exclaimed while pointing at the window. 

"NOONA!!!" Both of them tried to wave at her, hoping that she will notice them. Jungkook yelled out of excitement, attracting the members' attention. To their surprise, y/n saw the members standing nearby the window and she waved back at them. They giggled when y/n wave back, holding a bouquet in her other hand while standing far away from the crowd.

"She saw us!"

"Boys, we're going now in the count of 10" Their manager walked in, signaling them to get ready and conduct the final checks. 

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