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I looked at Jin who is sitting beside me he didn't even look at me totally ignoring me making me angry.. I sighed and looked away from him..


Driver : Master we have reached..!!

Everyone's Eyes Widened while seeing the house

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Everyone's Eyes Widened while seeing the house. They looked at Jin but Jin just gave them a blank look. Jin took his steps towards the house.

Yoongi : I'm not coming Inside..!!

Jin : You have to come. *he said and continued with his steps*.

Y/n : Woah..!! So beautiful..!! *smiles* I smiled at the view. I can feel fresh warm air touching my skin.. Making me to smile out of excitement.. *

Y/n : What happened?? *sighs* Come with me.. *I said while dragging Yoongi's hand who was staring at the house without blinking*.

We all gathered in front of the door but I don't know why they all looked tensed. I haven't seen them like this. I sighed and knocked the door making them flinch..

I can hear the noise of wood creaking and the door opened slowly. I smiled brightly when I saw an old lady opened the door, but the smile faded when she looked at us with her cold orbs.

Y/n : Hello ajumma *smiles and bows*.

I flinched when she was about to close the door on my face but Jin grabbed the door making it hard for her to close it.

Jin : Ajumma please.. We need your help.. Please help us.. *he said while looking straight at her eyes.. I saw her eyes getting softened.*

Ajumma : Get in *signalling all of them to get in*.

Everyone entered the house but when I was supposed to enter she blocked my way. I looked at her but she stared at me with her cold and dark orbs making my heart to beat faster.

Ajumma : A human.. *chuckles* You think I will let you in..!!

She said and closed the door at my face making me to stumble back. Tears started to form in my eyes but I wiped them off. I smiled and took my steps towards the car but suddenly...

Someone pulled me by my wrist making me to hit their rock hard chest.. I looked at him only to see him smile at me.

Namjoon : You are coming inside.. *smiles* *he said while taking me inside the house.*

Y/n POV :

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Y/n POV :

I finally came inside the house but I can feel Ajumma's cold stare at me.

Ajumma : So why are you guys here? What help do you need?

Jin : *sighs* We need to check her blood..

Ajumma : Why? You know I never test those dirty human's blood..

She said while looking at me.. Why are they doing this to me?? Why are they are testing my blood..?

Jin : Ajumma please.. She got her life back even our bite mark got disappeared on her.. You kn--

Ajumma : What are you saying??

Jin : Yes I don't know how this happened?? Please help us.. We need her, We want her to stay with us..

Ajumma : Take her upstairs.. I will come soon.

What the heck is going on?? What are they going to do with me?? I saw Ajumma going to a room and Jin grabbed my hand and started to take me upstairs..

Y/n : Jin leave me

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Y/n : Jin leave me..!! What are you doing?? Why do you want to test my blood??

He looked at me and cupped my face with his large and cold palms.. I looked into his eyes.. I can feel he is tensed.. Not only him.. All of them were tensed.. Which just make me more nervous..

Jin : Princess.. It's all for you.. Trust me it will be fine..!!

Suddenly Ajumma came with a big bowl and a knife making my heart to beat faster.. Tears started to build up in my eyes because of fear..

Ajumma : Boys get out.. I will call you once I'm done..!!

I looked at them asking them to stay but they left the room but

Namjoon : I will stay with her *he said while looking at Ajumma , she smiled slightly and nodded at Namjoon. *

Ajumma : Kid take this off.. *she said while signalling me to take off my cardigan . I nodded and take that off.*

I saw her taking the knife.. Which made my heart skip a beat. She took the bowl and took some steps towards me..

Ajumma : It will hurt..!! *She said and pushed my head on Namjoon's shoulder, she caressed my bare neck and put the cold tip of the knife on my skin.. I closed my eyes tightly as a tear left my eyes*.

Y/n : Ahh..!! *I let out a scream when she let the knife to cut my skin, I can feel the skin tearing as the knife getting deep into my skin, warm blood started to flow from my neck..!!*

Y/n : *crying* I-It hurts *crying* *suddenly my nose started to bleed and I can feel my temperature getting high.. Namjoon caressed my back but I can't bear this pain and soon everything blacks out..!!

Namjoon : Ajumma stop she fainted..!!


He said nervously and she stopped tearing your skin, she scrunched her eyebrows when she noticed your nose bleeding, your pale face. She touched your face just to check your temperature..

Jungkook : What happened?? *the door sudd opened revealing the other members*.

Ajumma : SHE IS ON HER HEAT!!!

Namjoon : w-what?!

Ajumma : Yes, she is on her heat, it's making her weak if it continues... YOU WILL LOSE HER..!!


................................. TO BE CONTINUED
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