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Your dress was covered with dust.. You knee was bleeding but you didn't notice it and the rain was making it hard for you to look at your steps..

Y/n : Ahh..!! It's raining heavily.. *you said while covering your face.. As the rain droplets were falling harshly on your face.. *

Y/n POV :

I stopped running to catch my breath, my legs were paining so much.. And I noticed that my knee is bleeding.. I flinched when I heard some noises..

I turned back but I can't see anything except darkness and creepy woods.. I shrugged off and started to take my steps forward slowly.. But stopped when I heard some footsteps..

I didn't dare to take a look back.. And I started to walk fast but I heard the footsteps again.. I started to run but suddenly..

??? : Uhmm..!! You smell so sweet.. *smirk*

My eyes widened when I saw a vampire in front of me.. I saw his fangs growing bigger and sharper.. It followed me because of my blood.. I cursed under my breath..

??? : I can't believe I got a hot chick.. *chuckles*. *he started coming towards me as I started to move backwards.. *.

I can hear my own heartbeat.. But I tried to act brave.. I take a deep breath and take a step forward.. My lips twitched a smirk..

Y/n : You want this hot chick..?! *seductive tone*.

??? : So fast?! I'm not dumb to leave this hot chick.. *laugh*..

He said and took his steps closer to me.. I saw him unbuttoning his first two buttons.. I looked at him with a smirk plastered on my face..

I pulled him by his collar as I stand on my toes while I bring my lips closer to his.. I saw him closing his eyes..

I quickly kicked at his balls.. I saw him crouching down the ground.. A proud smile formed on my face seeing him groaning under my foot..

Y/n : Keep your hands together.. It will ease the pain soon.. *smiles*.

??? : You little piece of shit *groan*.

I started run away from the place as soon as possible as I don't want to get caught by some other vampires.. But my eyes widened when I see the view in front of me..

A huge gasp left my mouth as I saw the highway in front of me.. I'm happy and sad after seeing the roadway as my body froze not knowing what to do..!!

I'm happy because finally I saw the  way to the city.. And I'm sad after knowing that I lost my way and I'm far way from Ajumma's house..

Y/n : No I should go back.. I should save he--

But suddenly huge hand covered your nose with cloth making you to scream.. But only your muffled sounds can be heard..!!

Slowly you started to feel dizzy.. You can feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier at each passing second..!! You stopped struggling but didn't loose consciousness..

Sehun POV :

I smirked after seeing her getting dizzy in my arms.. My eyes we're fixed at her face.. She is different from others... That's why they got her..!!

Sehun : Now it's time for me to play with this doll *smirk* .. I will mate with her and make her mine..

I picked her up in bridal style.. I cursed as it started raining heavily.. I quickly took  my steps towards my car cause I don't want her to wake up due to rain..

Y/n POV :

I tried hard not to faint.. But my eyes started to hurt.. I slowly opened my eyes to see a young man but i can't see his clearly.. And everything blacks out..!!

Sehun POV:

I opened my car door and I made her to lay on the back seat.. An evil smirk formed on my lips.. I can't wait to destroy her..


He started the engine and drove the car fast while his eyes we're watching you from the mirror..

??? : Omg

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??? : Omg.. I feel so sorry for you.. Old lady..

Ajumma : H-Hyeon?!

Hyeon : Oh you remember me?! Huh..!! Oh how could you not.. Because I'm the one to start the scene in the woods..

Hyeon : They were my men.. I told them to kill those bastards.. But your son tsktsk.. I'm so sorry for your loss..

Ajumma's eyes widened when she heard that they were her men.. Tears strated to form in her eyes in anger.. She started to loose her consciousness as her was losing her blood a lot continuously..

Hyeon : Omo Ajumma you are losing too much blood..

Ajumma : I w-will k-kill you Hyeon..!! How could you k-kill my s-son..?!

Ajumma : I will kill you..!! *she said and blacked out*.

Hyeon : *chuckles* kill me?! Yah..!! Take this old lady and hide her *smirk*.

She said to her men and they carried Ajumma's lifeless body.. Hyeon's smirk grew wider as her plan was going as she wanted..!!

Hyeon : Let me see who are they gonna save from me!! *smirk*

.................................. TO BE CONTINUED




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