Chapter 30

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A couple of nights later the team had been out on patrol and were now in the bunker trying to figure out how to get Lockwood out in the open. If they could get him arrested he might give them an idea of who was actually in charge of this whole Children of Liberty situation. It would be hard but they knew they had to find a way to get him out there with the rest of his people.

"So, do you have any ideas about how to get Lockwood out in the open where we can catch him?" Kara asked.

"If we keep on taking down his lackeys he will have to come out. Leaders always stay in the shadows until things start going wrong for them and then it forces them out into the open." Oliver said.

"How do you know all of this?" James asked.

"Most everyone that my team and I have faced in the past the lackeys do most of the work until we take most of them down. That pisses the leader off and it ends up drawing them out. It works every time." Thea said.

"Ok, so the plan is to go and stop all of the people who are working for Lockwood? That sounds easy enough." Alex said.

"It is harder than you think. Especially if you are impatient. It is a waiting game." Roy said.

"I guess that we will be going after all of the members of the Children of Liberty we can find from now on, right? Should we just go and get them at their homes, or wait for them to come out in the open?" Kara asked.

"I would say let them come out in the open if we can. If that doesn't work then maybe we will have to change it up." Oliver said.

"Makes sense. I don't really like the idea of going after people who might never do anything that just happened to be at that meeting." J'onn said.

"I understand, and I am the same way. I don't want anyone to be locked away if there is no need for it." Oliver said.

"We start on this tomorrow then, right?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, tomorrow. Go home and get some sleep. We are going to be busy for the next couple of days." Kara said and everyone nodded and left the bunker.

. . .

While Oliver and Kara were at their apartment they decided to talk about what had been going on with the city lately. If what was happening here started to happen around the country that would be bad.

"I thought that the President making a law to make aliens legal citizens in the US would make it a better place, but all of the people who don't agree with the law are causing a lot of problems. I just thought that people were better than this." Kara said.

"Not all of the people who are against the law are bad people. Just the people who are like Ben Lockwood and the Children of Liberty. I still believe that as a whole more people in this country and this world are good people and they need to show the people who are not good how to act." Oliver said.

"Since when are you the optimist in this relationship?" Kara asked with a big smile on her face.

"I guess even I have my times where I see the good in things." Oliver said with a smile on his face as well.

"So, what do you say to sitting down and watching some television so that we can wind down from our day?" Kara asked.

"I will do whatever you want as long as you are here with me." Oliver said.

"Since when have you been so sappy?" Kara asked.

"I guess you have rubbed off on me. You know when they and I first moved here, we were talking and Thea said that it might be a good thing for us to live here because you would rub off on us and make us better people." Oliver said.

"I don't think the two of you were that bad when you got here." Kara said.

"We have just gotten good at hiding it. I have had a darkness to me that has been there since I got off the island and Thea has had one since she found out that Malcolm was her father and she started training under him." Oliver said.

"I can understand you having some darkness after all you went through, but I just can't see Thea with a darkness in her. She has been happy since she got here." Kara said.

"Thea as a kid was always so bubbly and she was just always happy. Once we got her off drugs when I got back from the island she was kind of the same way, but then she found out that Malcolm was her father and she was mad at mom and I for not telling her. She hasn't been the same since. That is until we got here and started hanging out with you and your bubbliness." Oliver said.

"Well, I am glad that you think that I have helped her. Do you really think that I have changed you though?" Kara asked.

"I know that I am better than I was before I got here, but I don't think that my darkness will ever fully go away. I will always try to work on that, but I don't think it will ever be gone." Oliver said.

"I like you the way you are. I might not always agree with some of the things that you do, but sometimes they are effective and even if I don't like it, it seems to work better than some of my solutions." Kara said.

"It just comes from experience. You will find ways to get answers just like I did. The longer you are out here doing this, the better you will get at doing it. By the time you are done with this life, you will probably be the best of us." Oliver said.

"What makes you say that?" Kara asked.

"That fact that you are already the best of us. Once you learn everything that you need to know. You will truly be the best of us." Oliver said.

"I don't know about that." Kara said while blushing.

"I do. It is part of the reason why I fell for you." Oliver said as he leaned over to kiss her and then they broke the kiss and watched television so that they could calm down for the night.

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