Chapter 41

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Over the next couple of weeks there had been no sign of Leviathan. It was giving Winn, Lena, and Alex all the time that they needed to work on the containment that they were working on to hold Leviathan. It wasn't going as fast as they had hoped but the project was coming along.

"So, how are things coming with the containment idea that you guys had?" Kara asked as she walked into Lena's lab at LCorp to see the three still working.

"We are getting there. We just don't know how to get them in there when we try to use it." Winn said.

"Maybe we can find a way to get intouch with Brainy and ask him." Kara said.

"The only way that we can do that is if we go to the future and we would need Barry or either a Legion Ring for that." Lena said.

"Luckily Mon-El gave me one before he left. I would go but I think it would be better if one of you went, since you know more about the science end of things than I do." Kara said.

"I will go. I think that it would be cool to see the future." Winn said with a huge smile on his face.

"I knew you would be the one to go. You will also get to go to space being that is where the portals are. I will get my ship ready for you." Kara said as she went to ready her ship so that Winn could go to the future.

. . .

Kara and Winn were now standing in a field on the outskirts of National City with her spaceship. "So, is there anything else that I need to know about flying this thing?" Winn asked.

"Nope. I have taught you all that you need to know. When you enter the portal, just think of Brainy and it should take you to him." Kara said.

"I will be sure to do that. I will be back as soon as I can." Winn said as he got into the ship and took off into space.

. . .

Once Winn was in space he saw what would have to be the portal to the future. He guided the ship that way and then entered it. Once he was inside the portal, he thought about Brainy and all of a sudden he was coming out of another portal and he could see Earth again. He flew down and found a place to land the ship so that he could hide it.

Lucky for Winn, a group of people found him and one of those people happened to be Brainy himself.

"Winn, what are you doing here?" Brainy asked.

"I needed your help with something and this was the only way that we could think of to get intouch with you." Winn said.

"Ok, so what is it that you need my help with?" Brainy asked.

"The team is up against a group called Leviathan. We think that we have come up with a way to stop them, we just can't figure out how to make our idea work." Winn said.

"Come with me and we will see what your idea is." Brainy said as Winn and the rest of the people followed him back to their base.

. . .

"So what is this idea that you guys came up with?" Brainy asked as he and Winn walked into his lab.

"Well, I remembered you saying something about your ancestors capturing worlds in bottles, so we were trying to figure out how to make that work. We have the bottle, we just don't know how to make it suck something inside." Winn said.

"I see. Let me see what you have." Brainy said and Winn took the bottle out of his bag and handed it to Brainy so that he could look over the device.

"You have done a good job here. I just need to make a few adjustments and it should work for you." Brainy said as he made the few adjustments that he needed so that the bottle would do its job.

"Here. This should work for you now. How would you like to stay here for a while? You can see the sights and how much stuff has changed since your time." Brainy said.

"I would like that, but I don't think I have the time to waste." Winn said.

"You know with time travel you can go back to any time that you would want to." Brainy said.

"Seriously. I never thought about that. I guess I could do a bit of sightseeing." Winn said.

"Good, so let's head out. We can meet Imra and Mon-El as well." Brainy said as they left Brainy's lab and went to meet up with Imra and Mon-El.

. . .

It had been fun catching up with everyone but Winn knew that he needed to get home, so after a bit of sightseeing and hanging out, he decided that he needed to leave. Brainy, Imra, and Mon-El went with Winn to where he had left his ship and said their goodbyes.

"It was good to see all of you. I will make sure to tell everyone hello for you." Winn said as he got into the ship.

"You better. So, we were thinking about making a trip to the past sometime soon. We miss seeing everyone." Mon-El said.

"I know that everyone would love to see you guys. Well, I had better get going. I will see you guys when you come for your visit." Winn said as he turned on the ship and flew off into space.

. . .

When came out of the portal he flew down to earth and found that Kara was still where she was when he left. He opened the ship and got out.

"That was quick. You weren't gone but for like a few minutes." Kara said.

"The good thing about time travel is that you can come back to the time that you left. I guess I was a couple of minutes off then." Winn said with a smile.

"That's fine. Let's get back to the lab and see if we can get this thing to work on something so that we can make sure it will work on all of the members of Leviathan." Kara said as she flew Winn back to the lab and then came back to get her ship while the three science people on the time tried to figure out what Brainy had done to fix the bottle.

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