Chapter 40

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Supergirl and Powergirl were the first to get to the scene and it looked like a man was standing at the waterfront causing all of this. They went and landed so that they could see why this man was doing this. It didn't take long for the rest of the team to show up since they now had watches that made it easy for them to teleport wherever they were needed.

"So, what's the situation?" Green Arrow asked.

"It looks like that guy over there has powers and he is the one who is causing all of this." Supergirl said.

"How do you want to handle this?" Artemis asked.

"I want to try and talk to him first. If that doesn't work, then we will take him down." Supergirl said and the rest of the team stayed back hoping that she could get through to this man.

Supergirl walked up to the guy and asked, "What are you trying to do? You will destroy the city if you keep this up."

"That is the point, Supergirl. We have been watching for a long time and from what we have seen, it is time to destroy this earth so that it is better than what it is now." the man said.

"Well, I can't let you do that. Sorry about this." Supergirl said as she shot her heat vision at the man and was surprised when it did nothing.

"Ok, so that didn't work the way that I thought it would." Supergirl said as she was then hit by the man.

When this happened the rest of the team knew that it was time for them to enter the fight. They ended up not being able to do much in this situation either. Supergirl looked at the others and said, "I have no idea how to stop this guy. None of us are even making a dent in this guy."

"I might have an idea." J'onn said as he took off flying to his place. He was back in a minute with his father's staff. "This might be able to help."

J'onn went to get close to the man who was trying to destroy the city but he couldn't get close enough to use the staff. The man knocked J'onn back and then Supergirl came up to help J'onn up from the ground.

"Who are you, and why are you doing this?" Supergirl asked.

"My name is Rama Khan, and I am a member of a group called Leviathan. We are immortals who have been on this planet for longer than humans have. We need to destroy this planet because we finally see that humans are going to destroy it. We think it will be better to just start over." Rama Khan said.

"There has to be another way to save the earth. You are going to kill so many innocent people, just to save the earth. That doesn't make sense to me." Supergirl said.

"It doesn't matter. It is how we are doing this. I think that you should go home and spend time with your loved ones, because you don't have much time left." Rama Khan said.

Right then, something weird happened. J'onn felt someone grab him and the next thing he knew he was right behind Rama Khan. J'onn used this time to use the staff which made it so that Rama Khan was being covered with rocks and the next thing they knew the quaking stopped and everything went back to normal for the most part.

"How did you get behind him without him seeing you?" Green Arrow asked as he approached J'onn.

"I have no idea. I was sitting on the ground and the next thing I knew it felt like someone grabbed me and teleported me behind Rama Khan. I don't know how it happened, but I am thankful that it did." J'onn said.

"That makes all of us. If these people are truly immortal like Rama Khan said, we need to find a way to trap them because I think that will be the only way to stop them." Sentinel said.

"Yeah, we need to get on that right away, because we are obviously no match for them." Supergirl said.

"Let's get back to the bunker and see if we can find out anything. I am sure Lena and Winn can come up with something." Green Arrow said as he opened a portal and they were all back in the bunker.

"So, what was happening out there?" Lena asked.

"Oh, just your normal immortals coming to wreak havoc on the earth. So, same as always." Kara said.

"Ok, but we have never been up against an immortal before. How are we supposed to stop them?" Winn asked.

"Well, you, Lena, and Alex are going to work on a way to trap them somehow. That is the only thing that we can come up with." Oliver said.

"Do you have anything in mind?" Lena asked.

"I might. When the Legion of Superheroes made their visit, Brainy told me something about how some of his ancestors would trap worlds that they conquered. We can try to make something like this and then we can possibly trap these Leviathan people." Winn said.

"Get to work on that. We will need all the help that we can get." Oliver said and Winn, Lena, and Alex went to start working.

"So, what do the rest of us do in the meantime?" Sara asked.

"We go out on patrol and make sure there are no people thinking of doing something crazy because of the earthquake. The police are overwhelmed right now because of all of the damage, so some of them might think this is a good time to try something." Kara said and the rest of the team nodded and turned to leave for their patrol since they were all still dressed in their suits anyway.

After a few hours of patrol everything was back in order and the team thought they had done enough for the night, so they headed back to the bunker. "Ok, we did a good job tonight guys. Let's head home and get some rest. I think with this newest threat that we are facing, we are going to need it." Kara said as the team headed home for the night.

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