Chapter 59

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The next thing that all of the heroes who had been gathered on Lian Yu knew was that they were back at the bunker on Earth 38. They looked around and could see that all of their forces had gathered and were waiting for them. They were happy about that, being that it looked like the fight was going to begin on this earth.

"So, what do we know?" Oliver asked Lena and Winn.

"It looks like there is a red wave of anti-matter coming toward us. I say we have about twelve hours to stop it." Lena said.

"Is there anything in its path that it will hit before us?" Kara asked.

"Only Argo City. I guess it is lucky that your parents live here now." Winn said.

"Yeah, but there are a lot of other people there. I wish there was a way to warn them." Kara said.

"I might be able to find a way to boost the power enough for the signal to get through. I can't promise you anything, but I will try." Winn said and Kara nodded as Winn got to work.

"Is there anything that we can do here that will help us stop this?" Thea asked.

Just then Novu appeared out of nowhere. "There is a tower that exists on this earth that can stop the attack if it is protected, but the Anti-Monitor will have all of his forces set on shutting down that tower, so we must protect it at all cost. I would say that the strongest fighters protect the tower and the rest of you go and try to get the rest of the people on this earth to evacuate." Novu said.

"Ok. Most of our team will stay here. Alex, I want you and Lena working on getting the tunnel that the Daxumites used to get here running so that we can use it to get to another earth if it comes to that." Kara said and Lena and Alex went to start working on that. Nia, I want you and Thea to work on getting everyone together to get off of this planet. Take some of the others from other teams to help you with that as well. We don't need to worry about computers and all of that right now, so anyone that is normally on comms, you go with Nia and Thea." Kara said and they all nodded and went to start with the evacuations.

The next thing they know, the ground starts to shake and a tower starts to rise out of the ground. "I guess that is the tower that Novu was talking about." Barry said as he saw the tower getting larger and larger.

"Well, let's do our job and go out there and protect that thing in the hopes that we can hold off this attack that is coming." Oliver said and the remaining people left the bunker to get ready to fight.

. . .

Team Superarrow, Team Flash, Team Bat, Team Spartan, Team Legends, and all the others were ready to protect the tower. They weren't expecting what they saw though. When they saw a dark cloud approaching them, they didn't know what it was, but when the cloud got closer, they could tell that it was what looked like flying black ghosts.

"What the hell are these things?" Sara asked.

"All I can say is that they must be what the Anti-Monitor has sent to help him disable the tower. I wasn't expecting this though." Oliver said.

"I don't think any of us were Ollie. So, you are the leader here, what do you want us to do?" Sara asked.

"Most of you should stay here on the ground. Any archers or people with guns should go to the roof and protect it from the top. Any of you that can fly, you will go where you are needed the most." Oliver said as the ones who could fly picked him and anyone that needed to be on the roof up and flew them there.

The heroes were holding their own for the most part, but they looked like they were quickly getting overwhelmed by the number of the Shadow Demons that were coming after them. Most of the heroes had made it to the roof by now and they could see that Alex and Lena had gotten the tunnel to work and people were flying their ships through it to get off of this earth.

"We need to hold this for as long as we can. We need to make sure that all of these people get off of this planet. Do whatever it takes to make sure that no one is left behind." Oliver shouted and this made the other heroes do what they could to fight these demons off.

Novu appeared and started to teleport all of the heroes to another earth until it was just Oliver, Barry, and Kara left. "It is time to leave." Novu said.

"Is everyone off of this planet?" Oliver asked.

"No." Novu said.

"Then you will leave us here until the last second." Kara said.

"Very well. You are the three that will save us all anyway. I will follow your orders." Novu said as he watched the three heroes work together to hold off the Shadow Demons until the anti-matter cloud about swallowed them whole, which is when he got them out of there.

. . .

Oliver, Kara, and Barry all appeared in the bunker on Earth 1. It had been a long time since Oliver had been here, but it was a welcome sight to see being that all of his friends were there and alive.

"What took you three so long?" Sara asked.

"We stayed behind to give the people of Earth 38 a little more time to go through the portal. It was something that had to be done." Oliver said and Sara nodded because she knew that was true.

"What do we do now?" Thea asked.

"We prepare for the next battle. There has to be something that we can do to turn the tide in our favor." Kara said and everyone nodded in agreement as they all got together to come up with a plan for the next battle, which they knew would be coming soon.

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