Chapter 52

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As the trinity of heroes stood there looking at the article that now said that Crisis would be upon them later in the year they couldn't help but think that they should not have destroyed the dagger even though it was the only choice at the time.

"Shit! This can't be good. I wonder what this means for all of us?" Oliver asked.

"It means nothing good for any of you." A new voice said and the three turned around to see a man in a weird costume standing there.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in this building?" Barry asked.

"I am Mar Novu and I am here to warn you about the coming Crisis. The three of you will be tasked with preparing for what is to come." Novu said.

"What do we need to do then?" Kara asked.

"Barry Allen, I need you to go and find the people that are known as paragons. The people that you are looking for are J'onn J'onzz, Kate Kane, Clark Kent, Caitlin Snow, Sara Lance, Alex Danvers, and John Diggle." Novu said.

"I can round them up. That won't be too hard. They all live on two earths that we know anyways." Barry said and Novu nodded.

"Oliver and Kara Queen, the two of you will be going and getting things that we need from multiple worlds. You can use your team to help as well. The sooner we get this done the better." Novu said and Oliver and Kara nodded as they were ready to do what it took if it meant beating this Crisis.

"What do we need to do first?" Oliver asked.

"I will be sending you to Earth two to get some dwarf star particles." Novu said.

"Alright. When do we leave?" Kara asked.

"As soon as you go back to your earth and tell your team what is going on." Novu said as he sent the two heroes back to Earth 38 so that they could tell their team what was going on.

"What the hell was that?" Barry asked.

"They need to get to work as soon as possible. So I sent them home." Novu said.

"I get that, but don't you think you could have let them say goodbye first?" Barry asked.

"There is no time for that. Do you have any more questions before I leave, Barry Allen?" Novu asked.

"Is there anything else important that the three of us need to know?" Barry asked.

"The three of you are the most important people in this battle. If anything happens to any of you, our cause will be lost. Keep that in mind once the fighting begins." Novu said and Barry nodded and then the man known as the monitor disappeared.

"Well, I guess I better go and get ready to find these paragons." Barry said as he left the time vault and went to tell his team what was going on.

. . .

When Oliver and Kara appeared back in the bunker they were surprised to see their whole team there.

"What are you guys doing here?" Thea asked as Kara and Oliver showed up out of nowhere.

"We were just transported here by a man named Mar Novu. You remember that Crisis that has been saying that Barry will disappear in 2024? Well, that has moved up to this coming winter." Oliver said.

"Shit! So, what do we need to do?" Sara asked.

"Kara and I will be given tasks to complete. Our first task is to go to Earth 2 and get some dwarf star particles." Oliver said.

"I will go with the two of you. I know that earth and I should be able to help you find the particles without any problems." Laurel said.

"We welcome the help. While we are gone, we need the rest of you to keep the city safe. Also, Barry might come by and talk to some of you. Just letting you know." Kara said and the rest of them nodded.

"Ok. We need to get started on this task so we will be leaving tomorrow morning." Oliver said and the team nodded as their plan was now set.

. . .

Later that night Oliver and Kara were in their apartment thinking about what was coming. "I hope we are able to stop this thing. If not, everything will be lost." Kara said.

"We will be fine, Kara. As long as all of us stick together like we always have, everyone will be fine. Now stop worrying about this for tonight. We have a while to prepare for this." Oliver said.

"I know. I just have a bad feeling." Kara said.

"I know. Me too. I think Novu has something big planned for Barry, you and me. It's just a feeling that I have." Oliver said.

"You are right about that, Mr. Queen." Novu said as he appeared in their apartment.

"Would you stop doing that?" Kara said.

"Sorry to bother you, but I thought I needed to tell you more about your parts in this upcoming Crisis." Novu said and Oliver and Kara both nodded letting him know that they were listening.

"The two of you, along with Barry Allen will have a big part in Crisis. The three of you will be the ones responsible for destroying my opposite, which is known as the Anti-Monitor. The three of you are the most powerful team in the whole multiverse and because of that everything will fall on your shoulders." Novu said.

"I can see Barry and Kara being able to possibly stop this guy but how do I fit into this?" Oliver asked.

"The three of you will become Specters. There is normally only one of them, but for the purpose of this fight there will now be three of you. The Specter is pretty much what is known as the Wrath of God, meaning that the three of you will have an abundance of powers. You will receive the powers when the time is right." Novu said.

"How do we get the powers? Kara asked.

"That I can't tell you yet. If I do, the events might not happen as they should." Novu said and the two heroes nodded.

"I will leave you to process all of this. Good luck tomorrow. Once you get the dwarf star particles, I will let you know what we will need next." Novu said and the heroes nodded and Novu then disappeared leaving Oliver and Kara to think on what they needed to do for tomorrow.

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