Chapter 18

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Now that the World Killers had been taken care of, everyone met in the bunker the next day to discuss who was going to stay on the team. It was time for Sam, Julia, and Grace to decide if they wanted to be heroes.

"So, how are you three doing now that you don't have to worry about your other halves?" Kara asked.

"I have to say that I like having powers and I want to help people." Sam said.

"Well, then welcome aboard." Oliver said with a smile.

"What about you two?" Kara asked.

"I think I liked my quiet life before all of this came to be. I think I am going to pass for now." Julia said.

"I understand. This life is not for everyone." Kara said.

"What about you Grace?" Thea asked.

"I am really busy as a doctor, so I don't know that I will have time to be a hero as well, so I am out for now." Grace said and all the rest of the heroes nodded.

Soon after, Julia and Grace left leaving Sam as the new member of the team. They showed all the bunker to her so that she could familiarize herself with it. Once they were done, Kara went to find Winn and Lena and got the two of them to start working on making Sam a suit. All she had right now was an anti-kryptonite suit.

"Let's go talk to Winn and Lena about making you a suit. You will also need to wear a mask, or you will have to wear your disguise in your civilian life like I do." Kara said.

"Too many people know me. I think I will have to go with a mask. If I just change my behavior, it might be obvious what is going on." Sam said.

"That makes since. So, what color scheme do you think you are going to go with?" Kara asked.

"I was thinking since Reign wore all black, I could use white as the primary color, maybe with a little bit of blue to outline the suit and also breakup all of the white on the suit." Sam said.

"I like it. Go talk to Winn and Lena and they can draw up something on the computer and see if it is what you are thinking of." Kara said as Sam walked over to the other two.

"So, have you come up with ideas for your new suit yet?" Winn asked as Sam walked over.

"Yeah, I was thinking mostly white with some blue stripes or something, to break up all the white." Sam said.

"I like it. Let me work something up for you and then you can see what you think." Winn said as he went to work on his computer.

When Winn was done, he showed the finished product to Sam, and she was really impressed. The whole upper part of the suit was white except for the cape, which was blue, the belt was yellow, then the legs were white with blue stripes down the side, and finally was the blue boots.

"I love it, but I will need a mask as well. Too many people know me, so I wouldn't be able to pull of what Kara does with the glasses." Sam said.

"Ok, I will work on a mask for you. Do you want it blue or white?" Lena asked.

"I think it would be nice if it were blue. Maybe break up the white a little bit more." Sam said.

"We will get this to you as soon as possible. It will have all of the capabilities of Kara's suit, so kryptonite will not affect you." Lena said.

"Thanks guys. Let me know when you are done. I really want to get out there as soon as possible." Sam said.

"We will be done in a few days at the most, so you won't have to wait for long." Winn said.

"Ok, I think I better go and see what the rest of the team is up to so that I am not too much out of the loop." Sam said.

"That's a good idea. It is not fun not knowing what is going on." Lena said.

Sam walked over to the other teammates and found out that everyone was going to take a couple of days off since they had been working hard to stop the World Killers. She could understand that being that they had been working on stopping them for a while now. That didn't mean that she wanted to sit out though. Being that she was new to the team she wanted to get out there as soon as possible. But she couldn't be too anxious because that would lead to her getting hurt.

"So, we are just going home for a few nights?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you need to get Ruby and spend some time with her. She has missed you since we put you in that cell for to separate you from Reign." Kara said.

"You are right and thank you for taking care of her while I was away." Sam said.

"It was no problem. She was good the whole time she was with us. She just really missed you though." Oliver said.

"So, how are things going between the two of you?" Sam asked.

"Everything is going good. Maybe now that the World Killers are gone, we can take some time for ourselves and go on some dates." Kara said.

"I would like that. It has been a while since we have been able to do that." Oliver said.

"We need to find someone for Sam, then maybe we can go on some double dates." Kara said getting excited thinking about it.

"Oh, no. I don't want to be set up with anyone. Every time someone has done that for me in the past, it has not been good." Sam said.

"Ok but let us know if you change your mind. We will see you later Sam." Kara said as she pulled Oliver close and flew out of the bunker.

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