Chapter 42

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It had been a couple of weeks since the team had come up with the way to trap the members of the Leviathan and they hadn't heard anything from them since. It was making the team uneasy to say the least. Normally when things took this long to go into motion it meant that something big was coming and that was not going to be good at all.

"Leviathan is taking too long to make another move. It is really starting to make me nervous. I mean one of them came close to destroying the city. Think about what could happen if more of them came the next time we face off with them." Kara said.

"I know what you mean. I hate waiting too, but we have to be patient. If we are too eager to go after them, then our plan won't work out." Oliver said.

"I know, you are right. It's just that in my experience, when people take this long to make a move they have everything thought out and it makes it harder to stop them." Kara said.

"Well, not everything can be easy in life. Everything is going to be ok, Kara. You just need to have faith." Oliver said.

"Since when are you the optimist here?" Thea said as she walked into the bunker.

"I am trying to be better than I used to be and that means trying not to look at things in a bad way like I always used to." Oliver said.

"Well, I like it. Don't go back to the old way or I will kick your ass." Thea said and the three of them started to laugh.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Thea asked when they all stopped laughing.

"We can't do anything with Leviathan until they show themselves, so I think that means that we do some training and then we head out for a patrol once it gets dark." Oliver said.

"Sounds good. I guess the rest of the team will join us once they get here." Kara said as the three of them changed so that they were in their workout clothes and got to work.

. . .

The team hadn't had much problems when they went out on patrol. Just some of the normal stuff like a mugging and a robbery of a little store. Once the team had stopped these events they knew that there was not any reason to stay out any longer so they all headed back to the bunker.

"It is really early. What should we do now?" Kara asked.

"I have an idea. Why don't the two of you go home and work on getting things planned for your wedding. We can take care of things here, and if we need your help, we will call you." Alex said.

"Are you sure. I don't want to leave you here while I am doing something that is small compared to what we are up against now." Kara said.

"Planning your wedding is important, Kara. Plus, I will have the rest of the team here to help if something does happen." Alex said.

"Yeah, we are all here for as long as we need to be. Go out and plan your wedding. We have everything under control here." Sara said as she walked up and put her arm around Alex's shoulder.

"Ok, I will take some time off. Let us know if there are any problems and we will get back here as fast as we can." Kara said and her sister nodded as Oliver and Kara left the bunker heading home to start planning their wedding.

. . .

The next day the team met up at the bunker and there had been some information that was important that Alex had found the night before.

"I think I might have found something that is of importance when it comes to Leviathan last night." Alex said.

"What did you find?" Oliver asked.

"It looks like Lena's friend Andrea has a company that is making contact lenses that allow you to go into a virtual world and get a break from the real world. From what I can see, somehow Leviathan has found their way into this program and is taking people out that way. I don't know how yet, but I am pretty sure that this is them. We stopped them from ending the world in a natural way, so now they are going to do it electronically." Alex said.

"So, how do we stop this?" Kara asked.

"I am not sure yet, but Lena, Winn and I are working on it. Once we find out how they got into the system, we should be able to come up with a way to stop them." Alex said.

"How did you even come across this?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I thought I would look into any weird deaths lately and there had been a few people who had these lenses and they never were able to come out of the artificial world." Alex said.

"Ok, that is definitely worth looking into, but what makes you think that this is Leviathan?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know exactly, except for the fact that the code in the program that was not originally there seems to almost be organic, like it was coming from a person or alien instead of from a computer. That is what caught my attention." Alex said.

"That makes sense. Maybe we can find out who this person is by looking at new people that are with the company. I doubt it will be that easy, but you never know." Kara said.

"I will pull up new additions for the company, whether they be employees or management and then we can look into them and see if anything catches our eye." Lena said as she pulled up the information.

"Looks like we have a new person in management and a new employee. The new employee is Eve Teschmacher. We already know that she works for Lex, but I can't see her being the one who did this being that she is human. The person in management is Gemma Cooper. I will look into her and see what I can find." Lena said and the other heroes nodded as they left to go out on patrol and let Lena get to work on finding out whatever there was to find on this Gemma Cooper.

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