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It's been 5 years.. 5 years? Can't believe I lasted that long! I've made friends I never thought I could have and I'm so happy I have them! Today we where all going over to knuckles floating island for a quick meet up. Rouge is taking me down since I can't fly, I already told her I could go with tails and sonic but she insisted many times.
"Are you ready hun?" Rouge flew down outta knowhere just as Amy existed her house "almost.." Amy began searching more aggressively making rouge lose her train of thought "guess what? I got shadow to come!" Amy gasped and stared into rouges eyes "no way.. how?!" Rouge smiled and shook her head "I'm not even sure how I did myself." Amy finally gave up on searching for the unknown object and hopped into rouges arms "your surprisingly very light.." rouge was almost concerned for the girl, Amy have rouge a look before she flew off to the island.

It didn't take long for them to arrive rouge was quick with flying a soon as rouge landed Amy jumped outta her arm gasping for air "sorry sweetie I thought I'd accidentally drop you." Rouge sadly laughs patting her back looking around for shadow "know where is that hedgehog.." she mumbled the two noticed a red echidna running down the stairs clearly excited that their here. "Rouge! Amy!" He bares Amy into a hug a soon as she lifts herself up. Rouge smiles at them knuckles is always so happy when Amy is around he loves that girl so much he sees her as his little sister.. it's adorable knuckles is alittle softie!

Rouge thought to herself giving knuckles a side hug asking as he lets the girl go. "So why'd you come down? You could have waited?" Amy smirks up at him "I saw you guys and I got really fucking excited just don't let sonic suspect anything he's already into my about how loud I squealed when I saw you two land." He rubbed the back of his head with the arm rouge wasn't hanging on. They finally got onto the top and greeted everyone

Time passed and not later did shadow show up, a very angry rouge had to pull him aside and the entire time amy was either with Sonic, knuckles or cream. Amy noticed sonic getting very angry, as in pushing her away at times amy understands and knows what she's doing is wrong and she's gotten very mature lately but something tells her he's gonna freak out on her.

"Amy can I please talk to you. Alone." He glared at her "uhm. Okay!" The pink hedgehog followed him to one of the private corners where they would be left alone and not found by one of their friends

"Amy I'm going to need you to listen to me. I need your full attention." He rested his hands on her shoulders. The girl slowly nodded clearing her mind for a second, "I'm sorry to tell you this but I don't have feelings for you. I never did, I don't believe in love really Amy I don't ever want to have a relationship. It'll get in the way of what I'm trying to accomplish! So please stop trying to date me every 2 seconds of the day!" He sounded calm but angry. Amy was.. taken back

"I'm sorry I don't want to break your heart I just want you to know the truth.." tears where forming.. Amy had to leave right now.

"It's..okay sonic I understand! But. I have to go cream might be looking for me." She smiled but sonic grabbed her hand before she ran off "we're still friends at least right?" Amy and Sonic locked eyes for at least a minute "of course." He finally let go letting Amy run off

She passed Cream, she passed everyone she needed to find rouge. She needed to leave right now. Nearly tripping down the steps she saw Rouge talking with shadow and knuckles in a dark area.

"ROUGE!!" a soon as the bat heard her name be called her head whipped straight up "Amy!" Knuckles moved into the light "Can we please leave now.." she said nearly choking on tears "Amy dear what happened?" Rouge asked as the girl squeezed her tighter she felt knuckles concern burning in her back shadow stood behind her .. confused was mostly what you could read off his face but somehow he knew it was sonic.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow I just need to clear my head.. please Rouge." The bat nodded cupped her in her arms flying out without a 'goodbye' or 'see you guys later' knuckles felt bad. . He turned over to shadow who was just as speechless as he was "do you-"

"It was that stupid faker." Knuckles tilted his head at the hedgehog before knuckles could ask how the hell he knew that sonic came racing behind them.

"Have you guys seen Amy? She told me she was going to see cream but Cream said she didn't come to her at all! Now I can't find her." Shadow squinted his eyes he cared for Amy she's the only one who didn't think of him as a monster who kills people for fun. Knuckles, Amy and Rouge get him.. sonic rolled his eyes when he saw shadow there glaring at him "great.. your here no wonder Amy ran away." Sonic crossed his arms "I tend to believe your the reason why. Amy would like my company better then yours.. you treat her awful." Knuckles nodded his head in agreement at shadows last comment "Me?! Amy would never hang around with you not even if you where the last hedgehog on earth! Amy couldn't and won't be able to stand you just like how Maria couldn't! That's why she's dead!" Knuckles gasped.. he took afew steps back just to get away from the conflict that was gonna occur Shadow stood there. Shocked. Pissed off. Sonic realized what he said he was about to apologize but knuckles stepped between them. "Sonic. Rouge took Amy home please go, I have to talk with shadow." He hesitated for afew seconds but then ran off. "Shadow." The black hedgehog grabbed his emerald "I'll talk to you later."

Note : AHHH YES SO BEFORE YIU GET CONFUSED Shadow is straight Rouge is bi and Amy is pan the three are poly except shadow doesn't care about it really I think I'll make them start crushing on Amy in chapter 2 it'll take while bc this chapter didn't really take long only 2 days longest chapter I've written.. hopefully chapter 2 will be as long😈

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