Little did she know..

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Little did Amy know the situation she and sonic where in was only Going to get worse and worse.

"He yelled at you?" Shadow questioned from his spot on the couch

Amy nodded "a sudden reaction of mine when that happens is to cry and run." Amy fidgeted with her hands

Rouge wrapped her arm around Amy "he had no right to do that sorry babe."
"Agreed." The two girls heads bounced up "oh my god shadow are you caring about Amy?!?" Rouge squealed making Amy's face go red

Shadow rolled his eyes "You always ruin the moment." He mumbled making the bat giggle

Rouge cupped Amy's face facing it towards her "we! Are here for you girl either you like it or not." Amy felt herself tear up
"I don't wanna be clingy but can I stay here with you guys? I don't wanna run into sonic anytime soon."
"Of course! I was thinking about staying here the night anyways. What about your team?"
Amy shrugged "I've been thinking I want to join G.U.N I just don't feel comfortable-.." Rouge grabbed her up into a hug "IM SO GLAD YOU FINALLY DECIDED TO JOIN!" She yelled alittle making shadows ears ring

Rouge twirled around with Amy in her arms for alittle while Shadow finally deciding to tear Rouge off Amy

Getting her free he held out his hand "welcome to team dark Amy rose." Bowing down abit

Instead amy grabbed him up in a hug

"thank you!"

Shadow was taken back on how she willingly had the guts to hug him at least 2 times that's what he liked about her she was never afraid

Rouge made some short of happy noise and grabbed the two into a 3 way hug "we all are going to make such a good team!" She cried out as if she was drunk

In the morning the three nearly woke up at the same time taking showers in the bathrooms of their rooms they slept inside

Today Rouge and Amy where going to get Amy in G.U.N

Arriving inside she saw a lot of suspected villains like Bark, Bean and Nack

"When did they get here?" Amy whispered behind Rouge Shadow went to the front desk to sign them in "not sure they've been here for like a week." Rouge answered back as Shadow returned

They took her to G.U.N's Top boss the one that was in charge in adding new people in Amy felt nervous staring up at the door

Rouge patted her back encouraging her to open it

And she did.

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now