He knows

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Tails hated drama he hated being in the middle of it ALL he knew where Amy went because of the look on her face but he wasn't gonna tell sonic not because he wanted to backstab him hell no it's was because it wasn't his story to tell

Amy stammered "I was with my friends!" Sonic raised an eyebrow "what friends?" He chocked his shoulder to the side "you mean rouge?"

"Nope! You don't they them." She lied she kept light headed everytime she lied to him "then let's meet them!" Sonic tossed his arms to the side

Sweat ran down Amy's forehead "wont be needed!" She brushed past him "why not?" Sonic was into her

"I had a very long night! I should better get to sleep." With that she slammed the door behind her

"I'm onto you Amy rose." He whispered turning to walk away

In the Afternoon Amy attended the teams dinners and to everyone's surprise Amy and rouge arrived together sonic was definitely gonna suspect something now.
"Amy!" Knuckles greeted the hedgehog squishing her into a hug, knuckles quickly let go when he saw a familiar blue hedgehog walking towards them
Sonic grabbed Amy's arm tightly leading her away from the bat a soon as she showed up.

Knuckles gave the bat a devilish grin
"Kinda suspected you two would show up here.. at the same time!" Knuckles circled her hands placed on his hips as if he won.
"Shut up knucklehead she already knows." Rouge awkwardly laughed off the last part

Knuckles swung back "ouch man sorry that hurts." He but the tips of his gloves "what? No! She didn't reject me- she just needs time! For both of us." Knuckles froze abit "us?" He questioned "Me and Shadow."

"You came with rouge! You lied to me I knew it!" Sonic basically yelled at her Amy can't take being yelled at for some reason it works up her system so much she begins to cry. She held back her tears her words bundled up she couldn't speak noticing at the right time sonic had enough
Clenching his fists he quietly said "get out."
Amy tilted her head in reply "what?"
"GET OUT IM TIRED OF ALL OF YOUR LIES!" Amy was.. taken back

Did he just.

Amy felt tears she covered her face with her arm and ran.

She ran out of the room they where in past everyone at the table the wind of her speed got rouge like a bullet he did something. Rouge growled inside her head

Knuckles followed her outside looking for the pink hedgehog "knuckles why did you follow me?" Rouge yelled back at him "Amy's my friend!"

All eyes where in sonic when he entered the room arms crossed and eyes refused to make contact "what did you do." Tails whispered to the hedgehog that sat beside him "guys chill nothing happened she had an important emergency."

He lied.


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