Mixed feelings

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Sonic..? Or Shadow & rouge?

As confusing as it might be she thought she knew the answer. 5 years ago of course but when you tend to think about it more sonic never really loved her as a friend yes but maybe she could have had more with Rouge and Shadow? Yes a three way relationship isn't the most normal relationship there is but it could work out.

Just think about it?

Amy's head jolted up from her desk from a single tap on the shoulder

She looked up to see shadow calmly making eye contact with her "everything okay rose?" He questioned taking his hands away "yep just alittle tired." She flustered a smile

"Oh carry on." He left-? The hell- Amy thought to herself watching as he left to whisper something to rouge

Amy didn't talk to shadow alot but her thoughts say otherwise over time the smallest of a Crush she grew on him it even surprised her At first when she felt butterflies everytime he came near her

What would sonic think about her.. she hasn't spoken to him in days none of the team members came to check on her to see if she was okay.

Was she going insane?! She felt a huge headache coming

She stood up breaking shadow and rouges conversation they where having infront of her

The roomed stayed quiet

"I'll be right back." She rubbed the back of her head and existed the room

She splashed water in her face with a groan

"Don't catch feelings Amy. It won't end well." She comforted herself "they'll lose interest a soon as you do something dumb don't get lost!"

Rouge stood outside the door ear twitching her heart sank. Was she trying not to catch feelings.. for both of us? Why is she trying to avoid it. Rouge thought to herself she wasn't one to cry easily but the thought of this.. how would she tell shadow? Would he even want to know.

Amy dried her hands off setting her gloves back in place giving a sigh of relief as she walked out the door to her surprise she heard a flap of wings swing around the corner

The hell.

Amy followed the noise over to the corner and to her surprise she knew them.


The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now