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"Sonic! We need you in sunset city. It used to be a major merchant hub. Dazzling jewel markets.."

"That all came to an end when eggman tore it up while trying to take over the world."

"But it's citizens stayed strong."

"After eggmans defeat."
"And with the help of the restoration, they began to rebuild."

"But eggman returned. And with his metal virus unleashed sunset city may be doomed!"

"And just when I was planning on helping myself to some five-finger discounts."

"Oh well, rouge out."

6 weeks ago amy got impaled by metal sonic. She has been under great care by shadow and rouge until it happened.

Eggman hadn't attacked in awhile which meant something big was coming nothing sonic would ever except.

Many's have already gotten infected charmy. Vanilla, cheese and more to come

Sonic wasn't losing hope just yet he Managed to gather tangle and whisper onto the adventure as well

Amy was recovering slowly but successfully she could get up walk around but not run, jump or swing her hammer. She could accidentally tore the stitches out of her newly healing skin at times they need to run away Amy would either hop into shadow or sonic or maybe even rouge would carry her at times it depends on the situation.

They had to abandon their old city because it gotten infected the buildings the plants everything.

Metal sonic hasn't been found and knuckles knows nothing of this situation or what happened to amy of course he was kinda confused on why no one has visited in awhile but maybe they where doing something very important.

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