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Amy is the type to slowly fall in love sonic was a different story but she still wasn't sure about rouge and shadow Amy entered her house with once again another sigh it was quiet. Too quiet..

Eggman hasn't even attacked the town since she started at G.U.N maybe he was planning something huge?

"AMY!" Amy's thoughts where cleared out of her head

Tails ran faster towards her "sonic found out you where at shadows house I knew but I didn't tell him! He made silver and blaze track you down they think shadow kidnapped you or something!" He said between breaths

"WHAT- Wait your telling me because?!" Amy grabbed her hammer

"He's trying to kill shadow."

Why would sonic wanna kill shadow? Maybe because he hates him and sonic believes he kidnapped Amy which of course wasn't true but it's what sonic believed and the team just listens even if it meant murder

Amy wasn't entire as fast as sonic was but she could get there before sonic because she actually knows where shadow lives

Tails had left to track down sonic and the team so he wouldn't get there the same time as Amy would so no one had suspect he told her.

Amy turned the corner to his house and immediately froze

The door was busted in and it was silent..

Amy ran past the road and up his stairs she finally found Sonic, Knuckles and Tails spread out and shadow & rouge in front of them silver and blaze stood by clearly not wanting to hurt anyone

"Way to betray us rouge." Sonic growled
"Shadow is my friend it's not anyone else's fault that you don't like him! Just because you don't doesn't mean we all can't." Knuckles stood there awkwardly in his position he didn't want to hurt shadow or rouge but he wanted Amy back.

"WAIT!" Amy's hammer disappeared as she ran towards the group "Sonic it isn't worth it." She stood between them

Shadow remained quiet his expression was unreadable and stood infront of them hands out hide blocking sonic "you hurt them guess your gonna have to hurt me." Sonic grinned

"How surprising.. Amy rose helping the bad guys just because some guy rejected her how unfortunate." Sonics hands remained hooked on his hips smiling as he stepped closer towards her


"Now Amy.. tell me why you want to protect them SOOO bad?"

They where face to face.

She finally snapped


The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now