First day

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Amy woke up jumping startled by her alarm

She jumped out of her bed in a rush she looked back at her phone it was 7:00 she had 30 minutes to take a shower and get ready

Let's hope it works out

Rouge was already dressed and ready to go she pulled her jacket over her T-Shirt knowing shadow might as well have the same thing on and Amy might as well be wearing one of her dresses

Rouge knew about right now amy would be all over the place right about now

The fact of Amy running around all over the place made rouge chuckle


Amy bursted out of her house dressed and everything

She ran and ran actually passing Tails and sonic on her way and they immediately noticed her

Luckily for her G.U.N wasn't that far away and she was easy to get away from them in the corner

Rouge and shadow waited outside for her arrival shadow leaned on one of the plants and rouge flew around

Rouge spotted a pink blur running towards them "SHES HERE!" Rouge squealed dropping to the floor knocking shadow out of his stare

"SORRY IM LATE!" Amy huffed taking a long breather

Rouge grabbed her arm and lead her inside as shadow quietly followed behind

Rouge brought her to their desk and Amy watched as shadow signed them in "we talked to the boss earlier this morning and he agreed for us to work as a team!"
Amy gasped "He seems so scary I don't know how you did it." Amy shivered

"Once you get to know him he's not that much of a bad guy." Shadow entered the room

"That much?" Amy mumbled to herself

Work wasn't bad they didn't have any missions right away they just had to fill in information about criminals and show Amy how to do so.

The three had finally been called off and left going their opposite directions Amy started to think about what she over heard between rouge and shadow and maybe the time they spend together made her kinda...

NO she wouldn't do that to sonic... their just her friends. Close friends


The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now