Kill. (Short)

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Everyone turned to whisper "what..?" Whisper held her hand out in a short gesture for tails to hand it over to her, and he did

Whisper began clicking and swiping through tabs before reaching to what she needed

Amy hopped over to translate for her

"Look.." she whispered in her normal tone pointed at a eggman machine "apparently the metal virus is the biggest build yet. If we destroy this then it'll destroy everything including eggman himself she doesn't know how it'll work out it will just happen."

"Well." Sonic shrugged "it'll be worth it."

Blaze cleaned silvers cuts with a sigh the two sat alone on the plane Amy had left to make sure the team knew about his condition

Everything was changing way too fast it wasn't for the good but it was going to end it had too

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now