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Durring Amy's stay they played some games shadow apparently had lying around Monopoly isn't a good game especially because of how much rouge and shadow got mad at each other. shadow ended up winning anyway

Next game was Super Smash bros
Rouge and Amy teamed up to jump shadow and immediately lost

Next game was Mario Cart
Rouge sweared the only object she got whacked with was the blue shell by fucking shadow every time She lost and shadow got first place Amy almost pissed herself everytime rouge got pissed over ending up in 8th place she yelled things like "HOW THE FUCK DID I GET HERE?" or "WHEN THE FUCK DID I END UP IN 8TH? HOW DOES THIS KEEP FUCKING HAPPENING?!" Amy lost her spot in 2nd place 3 times because of rouges out bursts Laughing so hard she even managed to look up to shadow and see he was even enjoying himself small smirks that where quickly whipped away when he saw the hedgehog looking towards him.

"Alright I'm never playing games with you again." Rouge glared at shadow "I've never gotten that mad in my entire life." Amy chuckled "you almost made me kill Amy!" She pulled the poor pink hedgehog into a hug

"We should get going to bed we have a long day tomorrow." Shadow sighed trying to hide his smile

When shadow left rouge guided Amy to her room "you heard us." Rouge whispered behind her "What?" Rouge was embarrassed "you heard me and shadow talking." Amy's face burnt watching as rouge awkwardly swayed side to side "How did you-?"
"Im a bat I have gold hearing." Rouge playfully traced circles in the air beside her ear

"Rouge Im sorry I just need time to think about-"

"no! Don't worry about it you barely know me and shadow I'd say we give it time."
"If you say so." The two said their goodbyes and awkwardly walked away

Amy's cheeks burned "why did I say that.." she mumbled hugging her pillow

The morning was normal the three met up on the dining room shadow still having no idea Amy knows about their conversation and rouge acting like nothing happened.

Amy wanted to get to know rouge and shadow more and hopefully it could lead to something else.
What was Amy thinking she can't date two G.U.N members she was apart of team sonic that would be against the rules what would they even think of her when they find out.

Amy thanked shadow and rouge for letting her stay and headed off
Not soon after she arrived home only to see a very angry sonic standing outside her door tapping his foot aggressively Tails sat near clearly bored out of his mind "Amy!" Tails jumped up gathering Sonics attention "Ames where have you been?!" Tails back away when sonic came rushing beside him Amy gave tails a look like he quickly returned

He's knows.

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now