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"Scared?! What?!" Amy was shocked that was his response but should have been because it's shadow "do you not have faith in this?" He was figuring it out. Could he think Amy would only want to date them because she wants to make sonic jealous? Of course not she wouldn't.

Shadow crossed his arms he wanted to look like he didn't care but he did "we just got together yesterday calm down rose."


He turned to walk away but something grabbed him "what the hel-" Metal sonic was here somehow but.. he brought his focus back up at the pink hedgehog and it was something he wish he never saw

A large sword impaled right through her chest and it was obvious it was coming from metals arm

Shadow was frozen this was terrible how did metal get in without sonic not hearing him?! And just then he went to flee

Dropping Amy to the floor shadow was quick to grab her he had no idea how to stop the blood lucky for him rouge arrived not doing after

"Hey shadow hun? Why did metal sonic zoom past down the street? I think he had blood on his left hand is everything alright?" Shadow panicked even more "ROUGE GET UP HERE I NEED YOUR HELP IMMEDIATELY I..I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!" the fear and panic in his voice made Rouge drop all of her bags and rush up to where he was

At first she had no idea what was there she was out in alittle state of shock. Amy's blood stained up shadows arm he did not cry he held no emotion except shock. Rouge finally knocked herself outta it and rushed to help "shadow we have to call the ambulance-" he huffed "I refuse to put her hands in someone else's arms." Rouge agreed and left to grab paper towels or even a towel what ever she found first.

Amy was lossing blood fast and she was fully unconscious they where able to calm the blood down alittle but asoon as they did rouge broke down she fell to the floor tears soaking her gloves more then the stained blood rouge just couldn't take it this was hard so shadow took any to her room and started to stitch her stomach

Shadow stared down at Amy cutting the string how did this happen to you rose.. it happened so fast he could even process it the question was still

how did mental even get in

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now