The end.

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"This is the end the end where sonic saves everyone." Eggman rested his arms out "my ending."

Sonic raced up to eggman a ship with a blank expression all he wanted was to win save his friends tails flew above sonic tears in his eyes unsure if this was going to work. But he believed in sonic but maybe this was alittle too much even for sonic.

Don't say that tails.. he's got this!

One of the zombots grabbed Amy's hammer making her jump back but before she was touched rouge grabbed her "be careful out there Amy." Amy sighed a sigh a relief "thank god." She mumbled she looked straight ahead at eggmans base high in the air

It's almost over.. then we all will be free.

Metal sonic grabbed sonic and flew him away from the infected knuckles tears forming in his eyes he immediately whipped them away hoping that just soon enough everything will end.

Tails flew inside of the ship looking for at least something to shut off this virus "tails! Have u found anything yet?" Amy spoke in his ear from the transmitter "not yet it's almost-" he stopped "what? Tails! What's going on!" The door in front of him 'virus' it's was almost too easy "Amy I'll talk to u later.." he muted the translator and walked inside of the room. The inside was horrible small animals where infected but lucky for them tails had a cure that hopefully will work. He slid the tap open for the infected rabbit hoping this would work.

The rabbit hopped around and tails had to have good aim because all they need is one drop. Once the rabbit was still he dropped it on him.

The grey virus started to melt away slowly but it worked! "AMY!" He turned the transmitter back on "IT WORKED! GET ROUGE TO TELL SONIC ITS OVER!" Amy was quiet "How are u going to get it on everyone?" She sounded dull "uh... I'll hook something onto one of my planes and fly around it'll be like rain! It's safe for Mobians too!" He rushed out the ship waiting for her response "tails bad news.. we got ambushed. Rouge isn't here." Amy looked at her arm and watched as the virus stretch up "that's fine.. uh I promise you I'll end this asoon as I can!"
"Be quick I'm not sure how long I have until it reaches the end."

Sonic spin dashed through the window making eggman squeak "where is it eggman?" He said in a dark tone "I-I dint know what your talking about sonic!" Eggman was clearly scared of super sonic "EGGMAN IM NOT- wait." He looked over into the virus room he saw the animals free no virus "what the.. tails u genus!" The power faded and the emeralds fell "u almost won this time eggman! But we always find a way to defeat you!"

Tails flew around making sure to drop the cure everywhere and watched as the virus winked into the floor I did it!

The cold breeze hit Amy's fur making her shiver "Amy!" Shadow and rouge called out for her. her vision was blurry it's like her head was spinning, shadow and rouge finally reached her "she's bleeding she must have hit her head off of something." shadow lifted her head up rouge beside him tried to get to her but was tipped when shadow had picked her up "we'll get tails help." He lifted Amy up into his arm and waited for rouge to follow "So is this how it ends?" Rouge asks

"for now yes. Until everything is built back to the way it is then we will finally call it a happy ending."

The end<>

There may be a book 2 sooner then expected because I did work on it while I was writing this but I may have a small sequel after this ;)

The story isn't over yet❤️

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