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"Who's Maria?" Amy shrieked from her spot bringing all attention towards her "Maria was shadows.." rouge glared over at the black hedgehog who sat there crossing his arms he made no eye contact with anyone. "Maria was in fact my only friend." Shadow finally spoke up knuckles and rouge already know and some how sonic too "she's dead." Amy's eyes widened in realization "sonic had no right to say what he did." Rouge huffed giving shadow a side hug.

Shadow held onto Maria's hand tightly as they ran through the halls "cmon Maria! Pick up the speed!" The girl behind him only got alittle faster "shadow!" She called after he pulled her into a room there was a strange clear pod the shoots down to earth. After afew looks around Maria heard slams as if something was banging as hard as they could on the door. Luckily shadow locked it, so it would give her time for this. Maria's hands stained with blood grabbed shadow and tossed him into the pod, she was nearly out of breath. The door shut so quickly Maria didn't have time to move her left arm. It was like.. no mercy the impact made the clear glass cut right through her bone.

She screamed.

Shadow stood there in shock "MARIA!" He stepped over the dead arm. He kicked he yelled he cried out for her but she ignored every call. Getting a hold up the pain she crawled over to the lever "Goodbye shadow." She smiled

"How does sonic even know about that?!" Amy got on her feet. Rouge shook her head "we don't know."

Knuckles stood there completely dazed and confused "so what am I doing here?" He drew all the attention to himself

Shadow gave Rouge a blank stare "right I'll take you back! Unless you wanna come with me, Amy and shadow ?" Knuckles tilted his head "and what's going on?"

"We're taking Amy shopping to forget about sonic. You in?" She gestured her hands in a circle motion pointing at him afterwards

"I guess but I can only stick around for a little. Who knows what dangers linger near my emerald."

Durring knuckles time with the three he noticed strange behavior from Shadow and Rouge. The way rouges face burnt read everytime Amy grabbed her up in a hug and shadow was obviously oblivious the entire time.

Do they like her? What the hell they barely know her- right?

Knuckles confused himself with his thoughts

He pulled rouge aside grinning "you LIKE her don't you?" Rouge burnt red once again wiggling her way out of knuckles grasp "No! Just- shut up." She tired hiding her red face

Shadow over heard everything. He wasn't dumb he noticed it awhile ago. But he wasn't going to let her ruin his only chance with her.

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now