Excuse me.

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Amy was curled up on blazes couch she lived in a giant purple castle understandable because she was a princess

"So you accidentally confessed?" Blaze crossed her legs as Hot chocolates as brought to them "I'm not sure! I'm still in the thinking position." She grabbed her mug "I think it'll be cute." Blaze took a sip of her drink "I mean think of it Amy! The three of you... imagine your children!" Amy's face went red "BLAZE!" The cat cracked out a laugh nearly knocking the cups off the table

Cream appeared from the kitchen smiling "why are you so happy?" Blaze calmed herself down "oh nothing.. just tails wants to hang out with me!" The two gasped "speaking of love life's Blaze.. how are you and silver?" Amy glared at her

The cats face was red "you asshole." Cream got interested "Amy what about Miss rouge and Mr shadow? Do you like one of them?" Amy was shocked "CREAM-"

"No no.. she's right Amy. Are you?"


"Alright I get it shut up." She covered her face in embarrassment cream patted her back "alright goodbye ms Amy ! Bye Ms Blaze!" Blaze waved her off

"I hate you."

"I love me too."

Tails was screwing his project together knuckles had been staring off into space for at least 5 minutes. Tails cocked his head over in confusing seeing the Echidna get jumpy everytime sonic raced in

"Alright what's wrong with you?" Tails set his tool down poking his friend on the shoulder to grab his attention "huh what?" Knuckles looked tired yet also flustered "everytime sonic comes back into the room you get all flustered and jumpy." He crossed his arms like he was confronting him about murder

"It's obvious...?" Tails rolled his eyes "what's obvious is you like sonic." Knuckles immediately slapped the air "I DO NOT!" face red as hell.

Tails stood there mouth wide "wow.. YOUR GAY!" He nearly screamed it

knuckles bolted over to tails covering his mouth as a blue blur rushed in "is everything alright? Tails? Knuckles?" Sonic was immediately confused when he saw the scene "what's-?"

"NOTHING!" Knuckles stopped him


Espio crossed his arms "this is all so confusing." He muttered catching vectors attention "what?" Espio sighed "it's not really any of our business about what Amy had going on with those two G.U.N. agents but my concern is why sonic is so upset about it and why he stopped so easily when he pulled Amy aside." Vector scratched his chin "I suppose you have a point."

"Maybe he likes her." Charmy blurred out of knowhere the Chameleon & Crocodiles attention was grabbed away from them a soon as the bee spoke


The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now