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Shadow and Rouge waiting in the main room as everyone started to leave

Amy entered the room shaking nervously

A soon as shadow and rouge spotted her they ran to her "SO?" Rouge seemed alittle too cheery

"I got the job!" Amy tossed her arms in the air Rouge jumped clapping her hands grabbing the three back into one of her bear hugs

The two gasped out for air as she let go of them

"Are you going home or coming with us?" Shadow pushed his hands to the side walking out the closing doors "you fully welcome to." Rouges hands pressed down on her hips flying above the ground

Amy's heart warmed up,, she felt so welcome sonic never welcomed her like that he just ignored her existence or tried to.

"Thanks for the offer but I can come by tomorrow I have to check up on my house." She didn't want to reject the offer but she has to she couldn't leave her house unattended

"Sadly I agree." Rouge dropped to the floor "Sorry Emo lord but your going to have to spend this night alone. I know how much you gonna miss us!" Rouge cried out dramatically

Shadow shrugged "I'm used to it."

Amy entered her house slamming the door behind her luckily she hadn't run into sonic or anyone elsewhere

As she was getting ready for bed her phone buzzed

Rouge added shadow and Amy into a chat

Amy forgot she got shadows number off of rouge she never texted him but she figured rouge gave him hers too

Rouge names the chat the three musketeers

Amy playfully rolled her eyes

Shadow: no.

Rouge: what's wrong? ;)

Shadow: rouge if you added sonic I'm going to choke you out

Amy : Amy

Shadow : oh. Okay

Rouge: do that to me and I'll moan
ANYWAYS Amy are you starting the job tmr?

Amy: yeah, what time do you guys arrive?

Shadow: around 7:30 or 8:00 you should be there at 7:30 if you don't want to get boss mad

Amy: alright! Well I gotta get to bed goodnight 💤

Rouge: same goodnight babes!

Shadow: night

Amy smiled and sighed she turned her phone off

She laid on her side grabbing the blanket to cover her entirely
drifted off to sleep

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now