Comfort by villains

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After rouge brought Amy home she ran straight to the door thanking rouge on her way. When she finally got inside she went straight to her bed and cried.. it's the fact she got all her hopes up for nothing that hurt the most. All the years knowing one day sonic will love her is ruined,

Next day?

Amy's eyes fluttered open clearly felt heavy due to crying, not soon after she heard her phone ring knowing who it was she answered quickly "hello? Rouge?" The bat on the other side of the phone gasped when she answered "Amy! You told me you would tell me what happened. It's 11 did you just wake up?"

Holy fuck.

"Sorry I did I had a long night." She awkwardly laughed "I'll come over to your place in alittle bit k?" She suggested but the bat denied "actually I'm at shadows place right now why don't you come over?" Amy was shocked? "Your at shadows place? I don't even know where that is! And shadow would want me over!" Amy finally hoped off her bed holding the phone near her ear as she looked for clothes in her closet "he doesn't care. But you know! The more the Marier!" She laughed on the other side "I'll send you the directions! Bye Amy!"

Surprisingly shadows house wasn't that far away from hers the directions rouge sent her was very clear not what she expected but okay.

Amy arrived and clearly shocked at the image of his house.. it was a mansion?! Ever since years had passed Amy's hair surely grew she and a lot others gotten very taller. Body shapes of the girls had changed especially Amy's she wasn't the flat girl everyone knew and loved even rouge changed alittle bit her hair would grow she she would eventually trim it to her shoulders her original villain outfit doesn't even fit her anymore! But same goes her Amy she can't fit her old dress on. But it's life! People change it's just nature,

Amy softly knocked on the door and it didn't take long for it to be answered. Shadow opened the door inviting the girl inside Hes being nice.. alittle scary. Amy thought to herself quickly shutting down her thoughts when shadow guided her to rouge.

"Amy!" Rouge greeted the girl from her position on the couch

Amy sat beside rouge and shadow took his seat at his couch he was already sitting in before she came. When Amy finally sat down she looked at the two criminals and finally spoke "What happened last night was ... uhm sonic took to into one of the corners so that no one could interrupt us he told me and he was being completely honest. About how he never liked me, doesn't believe in love and that I should try to stop dating him for every 2 seconds of the day.. he's right but something told me to run.. to run away as fast as I could. It's very childish of me to act like how I did but I just didn't know what to do.." after afew seconds amy looks up at the two mobians "I'm sorry I'm being way too dramatic-"

"No hun. I understand! Being Rejected like that by your childhood crush thinking he'll love you like you love him ever since you where 8 is hard to get over. Rejection in general hurts a lot." Rouge zoned out a-bit during that

Shadow quietly nodded "Rose don't let that faker bother you it's only going to get into your head and effect the way you work. It's not worth it." Amy was shocked and Shockingly so was rouge "thanks shadow. but how?" With that rouge jumped off her seat not like she already was touching the floor. "That's it! We can help you get over it!" She tossed her hands in the air the hair that sat in her shoulders flipped off at the sudden excitement "rouge what are you talking about?" Shadow leaned over "Amy spends her time with us! She can still see Sonics little friends except him!" Shadow sighed "what about our job?" Rouge smirks "WE APPLY HER FOR A JOB!" She shrieks in excitement "roug-"

"Think about it guys! Amy! We get even closer! It would take your mind off sonic and me and shadow will be there for you every step of the way." Rouge snaps back shaking "sounds good but do I just leave? Or do I say something?" Amy was pulled out of her seat by the bat "we'll think about that later! You need to talk to knuckles he's super worried about you-"

"Rouge are you sure GUN will hire her?" Shadows question stopped her from flying to angel island. "I'm not entirely sure..  it we can try!"

When they arrived Amy told knuckles everything apologizing for how she acted "it's fine Amy sonic should be the one apologizing about what he said to shadow." Rouge immediately brought her attention to the echidna. "What did he say?"

"He brought something hurtful up about Maria.. it sent shadow off and he left." Amy chocked her head who's Mariah? She thought to herself "knuckles is anyone here who can watch the emerald for you?" Rouge grabbed up Amy "yeah my sister? Why-" rouge swung knuckles over her shoulder "we're going to talk to shadow."

Note : not as long as last chapter but tmr is Christmas Eve! Except a possible chapter about shadow and Maria?👀 BTW I wouldn't say this is Sonic X universe Bc I'm not really feeling it yeah their in the same world as the humans sharing and stuff maybe just random designs I'm tryna explain how they look like this

Note : not as long as last chapter but tmr is Christmas Eve! Except a possible chapter about shadow and Maria?👀 BTW I wouldn't say this is Sonic X universe Bc I'm not really feeling it yeah their in the same world as the humans sharing and stuff ...

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Not the art but the hair and etc.. maybe the art👀 anyway see y'all next chapter.

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