Love? Short

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Rouge smirked "as friends or..."

"Not the right time Rouge."

"Alright." She stepped behind shadow

Sonic shook his head "them?" The hedgehog stood back straight up and grabbed Amy's arm "them?" Sonic whispered in her ear Amy beat red "sonic don't think your off the hook now. I'll get you back." She growled her face burning red sonic stepped away and chuckled "sorry about that Ames I thought they hurt you or something." He held out his hands for at least a hug and Amy accepted "I forgive you next time think before you act."


Shadow gave the most confused face of alll.. "they're hugging now..?" He questioned rouge dazed off face bright pink the words I love them repeated in her head wait. THEM?!


Sonic team had left ordered by Amy and she went with them as shadows house began getting fixed by some mobains

"You can fix it yourself you know." Rouge sighed "I know but I don't feel like wasting my time." He huffed crossing his arms "why did she leave so quickly?" shadow watched as Amy disappeared around the corner "because of what she said." Rouge grabbed her arm pulling it against her "I wanna know a lot more but I don't think we should rush her."

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now