Fixing things

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Amy tried calling, texting and banging on her front door nothing happened rouge clearly didn't want to speak with Amy so she decided to take it to another step

Amy stood infront of shadows doorstep quietly overthinking on what she should do she knew what she said to rouge was wrong but wasn't it true..?

Without even knocking shadow opened the door the wind hit her face as the door opened in front of her


A shiver went down her spine "can u come in?" She politely asked

Shadow sighed and stepped to his side letting her through "is rouge here?" Amy looked around for any sign of the bat "No in fact she's not. Why."

Amy bit her lip
"There was a problem yesterday."

Shadow knew she wasn't going to tell him "I know." Was the only thing he said

Amy's eyes widened "rouge told you?!"

"No I over heard you two, I know you know about me and rouges conversation." He confronted her arms crossed and his gaze on her remained strong "Shadow I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking and rouge was right all I think about is sonic I'm just trying to impress him but it's wrong. I shouldn't have said that about you or rouge it was selfish of me you both deserve a better apology." She rubbed her arm

Shadow smiled and grabbed her shoulder "that's all she needed to hear."

Amy tilted her head before she could question it something dropped down from the staircase

Amy jumped back out of shadows grasp

Rouge got back into her feet running to Amy too quick she almost pulled her hammer out "I'm so glad you finally came to your senses!" Rouge pulled her tight "WHA-? I thought you where mad at me!" Rouge pulled back for a second "Oh! Yeah no babe. Sorry about that we where just trying to teach you a lesson." Amy's head cocked sideways "I mean like it was short of a test, 1. Result was gonna be of you quitting at G.U.N and going back to sonic team and 2. Result was you coming back and apologizing because you actually care about us villains."

Amy felt humiliated "don't ever do that again! I thought I lost you forever!" she smacked rouges arm the two looked back as shadow began shaking his head "what?"

"You two are so childish."

Sonic paced around tails workshop muttering words and words he could barely understand "maybe if you didn't yell at her we wouldn't be here." Tails sarcastically rolled his eyes "your NOT helping." Sonic turned and began pacing around

Silver slowly walked in holding an unreadable book in his hands Tails and Sonics heads whipped right over to him as he started to speak "w..we found Amy." He fidgeted sonic perked up "Where is she?!" He hesitated

"Shadows house."

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