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Off the plane was everyone well at least everyone.. whisper was in tears because of tangle getting infected cream was comforting her, tails was very shaky while sonic and blaze wore angry expressions

"What the-?! Silver oh my god!" Blaze rushed over to him "I..I are you okay?! What happened?!"she tried to stop the bleeding in half of his cuts "blaze I'll take him into care you can come along if you please." Amy appeared from his side

"Yes please."

Rouge watched Amy lead silver and blaze onto the ship before shrugging it off "what are you going to do?" She pointed at sonic

"Go face to face to eggman and beat his butt!" Knuckles growled at his foolish comment "that's not gonna work! This ain't like every other battle you and eggman have had, this time. Maybe we won't be able to stop it." He turned away in utter embarrassment to his own weakness

Tails appeared with his tablet not short after "we need the master emerald. The chaos emeralds are strong enough to stop this but not  what will happen to eggman."

Sonic smiled "what'll happen to him then?"

"It'll kill him."

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now