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12 years ago the metal virus had been cured and everyone returned to their regular life's brushing the virus off like it was a normal mission they would soon brag about

Amy looked at her reflection in the mirror the white dress covering her body beautifully "are u ready Amy?" Cream called from the door she had only aged alittle past the 12 years she's only 18 while Amy is in her 20s 2 kids and 1 on their way "I know it's not my fault but I look really fat!" Amy whined Vanilla came by and cupped the girls face in her hands "Darling u look beautiful." She smiled "heartwarming!" Cream cried "I should check on Blaze with rouge! I'll be right back!" Amy was nervous but hopeful she had to wait for wave to arrive to do her make up the it would finally begin..

The three of us.. {ShadAmyOuge}Where stories live. Discover now