Forest. SHORT

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Sonic was mad at her not only for hanging with rouge without telling him or any of the team but because she lied to him and Amy hated it so she ran.. she ran and ran as fast as she could into the forest.

A branch got caught under her foot and she fell forward slamming her rip off a rock with a loud thud.

Amy groaned feeling her rip begin to bruise

It hurt badly. Attempting to get up she saw a hand without thinking she grabbed it

It pulled her outta place and when she looked up she was shocked at who it was

"Shadow??" Amy squinted to see the hedgehog better "yes."

She knew it was him "I.. I'm sorry I just started running and-"


Amy jumped up taking her arms off shadow seeing a white bat and an red echidna coming near her "Shadow." Rouge was surprised to see him here knuckles looked between the two

He gave Amy a glance and ran away "KNUCKLES!" Rouge yelled at him

Amy hugged shadow "thanks for helping." When she let go he nodded in return

Rouge rolled her eyes placing her hand on her hip


ALRIGHT YALL I FINALLY HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE  sorry I just want y'all to be able to understand their not the designs from any show
But from a comic the zombie infection book🤺🤺🤺

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