~The New Student's a Delinquent?!~

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Najimi, Komi, and Tadano all watched Y/n leave the school building. He walked towards a black motorcycle, mounted it, threw his bag in the back of it, and crunk it up.

"He has a motorcycle? And it's all black...only delinquents have those..." Najimi said.

"Maybe he likes the color black. Plus motorcycles are a trendy vehicle among teenagers to drive." Tadano deadpanned.

The trio continued to follow Y/n seeing him stop at a clearing, parking his motorcycle. He lit a cigarette and watched the sun go down.

"Smoking?! Definitely delinquent activity there~!" Najimi sang, nudging Tadano.

"It could be a way to relieve stress." Tadano said.

Once Y/n finished smoking, he threw the bud away in the trash can nearby. He got back on his motorcycle and drove off once again, the crew following as best as they could.

It was around 8 p.m. when Y/n drove to an alleyway. The alleyway had led to an underground base-

Najimi gasped.

"T-that....that's the Tokyo Manji Gang's base!" Najimi said.

"What? Seriously?! He's part of a gang?!" Tadano asked.

Komi had shivered in shock, he looked like a delinquent but she figured it wasn't nice to judge a book by its cover...

"When he comes back out...LET'S BLACKMAIL HIM!" Najimi said with a grin.

"Najimi!" Tadano exclaimed.

"If Y/n is really a part of the Tokyo Manji Gang, then he's really dangerous. That gang is most notorious for being violent, ruthless, and cold-blooded...if Y/n were to find out that we knew about his affiliation with this gang, he'd tear our heads off!" Tadano shivered.

"Huh? No, he wouldn't, I talked to him after lunch and he seemed pretty cool." Najimi said casually.

"What? Komi and I couldn't get more than a word out of him..." Tadano said.

"Well, I am everyone's childhood friend, including Y/n's! Also...Komi didn't talk to him." Najimi deadpanned.

"That's besides the point! What does you talking to Y/n have anything to do with the possibility that we might die?!" Tadano asked.

"I can use my charismatic charm to convince him to spare our lives!" Najimi announced, they put up a peace sign, and a sparkle erupted beside them.

"Najimi that will never work..." Tadano sighed.

Komi sweatdropped as she watched Tadano's soul leave his body.

"We're dead..." He mumbled.

Y/n had emerged from the shadows of the alley and saw Najimi, Tadano, and Komi.

"Why the hell were you three following me?" Y/n asked, his eyes glaring at the three.

"What?! We weren't following you! Why would we do that?" Najimi said, waving Y/n off.

"You have a very distinct voice, Najimi. It's also very noticeable, and I have great hearing." Y/n said.

"That couldn't mean that we were following you. We just so happen to be in the same spots as yo-

"Stop lying, it really pisses me off. Let me keep this short, I won't kill you three if you beat it right now." Y/n said.

"Yes sir!" Najimi and Tadano exclaimed and dashed off, leaving Komi by herself.

Komi looked from side to side, looking for her two friends who left out of fear.

Y/n stared down at Komi, who timidly ran away, but dropped her notebook in the process. Y/n looked down at the notebook and shrugged, stepping over it to walk over to his motorcycle.

Y/n revved up his motorcycle and prepared to leave, but his eyes took another glance at the notebook, and he groaned and went to pick it up. He got back on his motorcycle, put Komi's notebook in his bag, and drove home.

Once he arrived home he walked into the house using his house key and greeted his mother.

"How was your first day darling?" She asked.

"Great." Y/n said, throwing his bag up the stairs.

"You make any friends?" His mother asked.

"You should know the answer to that." Y/n sighed, sliding on his house shoes.

His mother looked at him with a sad gaze and hung her head low as she washed the dishes.

"Well, did you eat dinner? You were out quite late." She asked.

"Nah, I'm not hungry. Where's Nanami and Asami?" Y/n asked.

"They're out with their friends." Was the reply he got.

"I see. Well, goodnight mom...I'm goin' to bed early today." Y/n said.

"Alright! Sweet dreams~!" His mother sang.

Y/n sighed and looked back at her with a small smile.

"You too mom." He said.

He then went upstairs and walked into his room, going into the bathroom to take a shower. Once he finished showering, he dried off and prepared his uniform for tomorrow.

He slid in his bed after turning his lights off, his bare skin feeling the silk of his sheets and the warmth of his duvet.

Y/n turned on his side as he looked out his sliding door, looking at the city lights shining in the night.

"Fuck school..." He sighed, burying his head in his pillow, forcing himself to go to sleep.
The next morning, Tadano and Najimi sweated profusely at the thought of Y/n coming through the classroom doors.

Komi was down, as she had dropped her notebook back at the alley that they followed Y/n to, and when she tried to go back there to find it that morning, she couldn't find it and assumed that some stray dogs used it as a chew toy.

She had no way to communicate with Tadano and Najimi anymore, at least until she went to the store and get a new one, but that notebook also had her class notes she needed for first period!

Komi hung her head lower as she thought about that.

Y/n walked into the class, much to everyone's liking, and to Tadano and Najimi's dismay. The two shrunk at the sight of the delinquent, and he looked their way, causing them to flinch and look away.

Y/n clicked his tongue and sauntered over to his seat, he placed his bag down and sat down. He dug in his bag and pulled out a notebook.

"Komi right? You dropped this." Y/n said quickly.

Komi looked at Y/n and at her notebook. She grabbed the notebook from him, their fingers brushing against one another like some cliché romance anime, and Komi looked down at her notebook with a soft blush.

She contemplated on saying thank you, or writing it, she decided to write it, and she showed Y/n.

"Is she scared to talk to me? Jesus, I didn't know I was that intimidating..." Y/n thought as he read what she wrote.

"Don't thank me, I would've left it if I didn't look at it." Y/n said.

Komi put down her notebook and wrote in it again. She held it up to Y/n, whose eyes widened as he read it.

"It's still kind of you, I'm very grateful you decided to do such a kind action after we followed you and invaded your privacy..."

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