~Reconciliation and an Answer from Shoko!~

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Shoko ran after Y/n's motorcycle. He left the school building in a hurry, and as fast as Shoko could run, she couldn't keep up with an emotional Y/n, one that was speeding far more than usual.

Tears pricked her eyes.

'I'm sorry! I'm so sorry...! Please...' She thought.

She cursed herself, feeling that she was stupid, making stupid decisions...ones that hurt Y/n.

She gathered herself together and thought. Where could Y/n have gone...?

She tried his house, he wasn't there, she tried the Toman base, he wasn't there either.

That's when a light bulb lit up in her head, and she began running.

Tears brimmed her eyes as her heart pounded thunderously. She neared the place, her breathing labored and she was incredibly fatigued, her arms and legs were sore but she continued to run because...

She saw him.

He was sitting under the Sakura tree, their usual spot, smoking a cigarette while looking up at the sky. He looked so peaceful...

Except for the fact that he had tears coming down his cheeks.

The scene was enough to break her heart, and that's when her own tears flooded out of her eyes and she jumped towards Y/n with her arms outstretched. Y/n looked at her, his eyes widened as he instinctively opened his arms and caught her, falling on his back as his cigarette flew out of his hand.

'Damn! Where did she come from?!' He thought as Shoko buried her face into his chest.

"Sho..." Y/n started, but stopped when he heard her sniffling and whimpering.

He lifted her up, seeing her crying face, the sight angered him.

"Who made you cry?!" Y/n asked.

"I hate that look on your face. I'll beat the shit outta whoever caused it!" He spoke afterwards.

"I...." Shoko began.

"I-I-I'm s-s-so sor...ry...!" She sniffled.

Y/n was taken aback, shock froze his body as Shoko held him tightly.

"I-I ne-ver meant...t-to hurt you!" She added.

Y/n gazed over her and held her tightly.

"It's...okay..." He said.

He thought back to his mother's words, and then realized.

"You were flustered. I apologize for over reacting. I just...I was scared...scared I had ruined our friendship because you weren't interested in me like that." Y/n explained.

Shoko calmed her breathing, and the two stayed silent.

Y/n did make an effort to put out the cigarette with his foot, still holding Shoko while laying on his back.

As they sat in silence, Y/n realized Shoko fell asleep..

He sighed to himself, this was so chaotic...He had a moment to think to himself though...

And his eyes widened as he thought back to something vital...

Something very...very important.

Shoko...has a communication disorder.

So she can't get her feelings across as easily either...

"Damn...I'm an idiot..." He mumbled.

"No..." Shoko muttered.

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