Airi's Torture Session

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Airi came to with a thudding headache, eyes closed against the dull pain. The back of her skull throbbed like a whore's heart; she bit out a curse and moved her hand to inspect the damage – except that it didn't move.

Something was restraining her arms. Her legs, too, were immobilized, as she noticed when she tried to get up, she was lying prone.

The violent hum of electricity streaking through the air assaulted her battered head, calling forth a grimace of agony. A steady dripping echoed all around her, but it seemed to come from a single source.

A runny tap, or a leak in the roof.

How long had she been out cold? Where in the hell was she? Her lips were parched and hunger growled in her stomach. Airi cracked open her eyes to better percieve where she was currently placed. Blackness continued to engulf her.

A tremor of panic vibrated in her core.

She was blind, sightless, motionless, restrained, and as good as dead, a lamb awaiting slaughter.

Airi tried to wrench her arms free and felt narrow straps dig into her flesh. Airi cried out in pain and kept battering at the straps with her forearms. They sawed in deeper and drew blood, but she was too far gone to notice it. Her every instinct forced her to fight this unseen enemy, to escape these bonds, to run free once again.

A squeak from rusty hinges; someone was leaving – or coming in, she realized. They were leaving her there to die of hunger and thirst.

Airi tried to cry for help, but her throat was raw from shouting and her lips were long-deprived of liquid; a gasp bubbled from her lips instead.

The distinct sound of swishing cloth reached her ears. It was coming closer. Closer, closer, and then past her, the faint footsteps receding into the other direction.

"Come... ba-..." She croaked as loud as she could. "No... Don't..."

Y/n chuckled darkly, and Airi instantly knew who that voice belonged to, and it made her blood run cold.

"Ah! I-I have you know my mom and dad will-

"Shut the hell up." Y/n growled, he slapped her to shut her up.

The lights flickered on, though they weren't as bright, and Airi got a good look at Y/n.

He was shirtless, and he had an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

Airi glared at the male, his red eyes were sharp as he swiftly kicked her in the gut.

"Don't look at me, fucking trash." He spat.

Airi whimpered as she writhed on the ground, trying to catch her breath as Y/n literally knocked the wind out of her.

He dragged her to the middle of the room, and grabbed his backpack.

"Let's see...what should I start with?" Y/n muttered to himself.

"W-...where is...your shirt?" Airi groaned.

"I took it off. Don't want any blood to get on it." Y/n said simply, rummaging through his bag.

Y/n smiled gently as he pulled out a car battery and some jumper cables. He also brought out a foot screw, a thumbscrew, and a lighter, alongside a box of cigarettes.

"Wh...what are you...doing with that?" Airi asked.

Y/n lit a cigarette. He walked towards Airi, she started to tremble in fear.

He crouched down and placed her foot into the foot screw, making sure to secure it tightly so it wouldn't go anywhere. Her foot rested on the sharp spikes, causing her skin to tingle as the spikes pricked her foot.

Y/n then placed her fingers in the thumbscrews and smirked as she began to wiggle around.

"What-? What is this?! Stop!" Airi exclaimed.

Y/n took the car battery and connected it to the jumper cables.

He connected all five to her fingers and ripped off her shirt to connect the last two to her nipples.

"Y/n!" Airi began to cry.

Y/n stayed silent and continued setting up his work.

He had a button in his hand and once he pressed it, the foot screw slammed over Airi's foot.

Her scream erupted from her throat as tears flood her eyes.

Her foot was completely mutilated, blood pooled around the torture mechanism and she sweated profusely.

The pain seared up her leg and into the pit of her stomach as she trembled violently.

Y/n pressed another button, and each of the thumbscrews on her fingers twisted and broke.

Two of her fingers were mutilated and the others were either broken or severed.

Her ears were ringing with the sound of her own scream, and just when she believed matters wouldn't get any worse, things genuinely did.

Y/n reattached the jumper cords to her severed nubs of fingers and her broken ones, dumped water over her body, and he flipped the switch on the battery, electricity shot through her hands and chest, and her throat was incredibly sore with how loudly she was screaming and shrieking.

The smell of burnt flesh ran through the room, and Y/n chuckled as he looked at her agonized face. The crackling of electricity tore through the air and fresh hot tears fell to the ground.

Y/n puffed his cigarette and switched the battery off, the electricity slowing to a stop.

Airi panted heavily as she felt herself fading in and out of consciousness.

"What drive...any normal girl would die from the pain alone. So strong Airi...I'll have even more fun breaking you..." Y/n laughed.

Killing his father ignited something within him. Something incredibly frightening...

A sadistic urge to hurt those he dislikes...a sadistic urge to kill...kill slowly, and enjoy killing slowly.

He walked up to Airi and put out his cigarette on her forehead, causing her to let out a small yelp.

Y/n grabbed the foot screw off of her mutilated foot, and place it on the other foot.

"N-no...p-please..." Airi whimpered.

"You know...the time for talk is over, why do you think I haven't spoken a word to you? Honestly, I felt more compelled to talk to my own father rather than you. Heh...heheh..." Y/n sighed after chuckling.

"B-but Y/n! I was only doing it because we were poor! We had no- AHHHH!!" Airi screamed.

Y/n flipped the switch of the battery before she could continue.

"Save it. You're family's loaded sweetheart. Don't try lying when I know everything. It's a bad look for you while you're dying." Y/n said.

His words fell on deaf ears though, as Airi screamed her lungs into submission.

She could feel her body temperature rise and her hair definitely felt as if it were burning. She could smell burnt hair filling her nose.

'Was it all...worth it?' She thought as Y/n mercilessly began to stab into her body. He had turned the battery off but he was definitely not finished with her.

He inflicted 5 inch cuts on her body, cutting into each crevice of her body, every surface of her skin was covered in deep cuts.

Y/n maniacal laughter filled the room as Airi felt herself fading.

'I guess...this is it...the end...' Airi thought.

Y/n wiped his forehead as he looked down at her corpse. A smile of achievement spread across his face. He threw the knife to the side and lit another cigarette.

"Well then...I guess I should clean up."

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