~A Performance Just for You~

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Y/n stood on stage, his attire was now far more jagged and ajar. His hair was in its usual style but far more messier, as if he had just rolled out of bed.

"Now this last song, is dedicated to a girl in the crowd. Her name? Airi Emiko. Give her a round of applause you all." He said as he stared down Emiko.

She looked back with a puzzled look on her face. Sure she was flattered he dedicated a song to her, but why now?

'Don't tell me this is some lame way for him to say he misses me...and that he wants to date again. Ha! What a joke...! I'll just let him down easy...in front of the entire school...imagine how lame he'd be to everyone! The lovesick loser who wrote an entire song to a girl who rejected him in front of the entire school! He'd be a school reject! Probably a total laughing stock forever! Ha! Hahah! I'm a genius!' Emiko smirked as Y/n clapped.

Her smirk faded slightly when she realized Y/n had his own smirk on his face, and his clapping gave off...a sort of sarcastic demeanor.

She shrugged it off as the lights dimmed.

A toilet skidded across the stage and stopped behind Y/n, who turned around and dropped to his knees in front of the toilet, hurling over it as if he were throwing up.

Sounds of puking was heard, and a soft guitar was being strummed.

The vomiting noise grossed out a couple of people, but they stayed to watched Y/n.

"There I go
Thinking of you again..."

Emiko's smiled dropped.

'Excuse me?' She thought.

Y/n swiftly turned around just as the beat dropped and gripped onto the mic, charismatically smirking at his crowd, and sending a snarky message to Emiko.

"You don't know how sick you make me!
You make me fuckin sick to my stomach!
Every time I think of you, I puke.

You must just not know woah woah woah woah woah woah!

You may not think you do, but you do.
Every time I think of you I puke!

I was gonna take the time to sit down, and write you a little poem, but off of the dome would probably be a little more, more suitable for this type of song


I got a million reasons off the top of my head that I could think of
16 bars, this ain't enough to put some ink to
So fuck it, imma just start right here and just be brief

About to rattle off some other reasons
I knew I shouldn't go and get another tattoo
Of you on my arm, but what do I go and do?
I go and get another one, now I got two


Now I'm sittin' here with your name on my skin
I can't believe I went and did this stupid shit again
My next girlfriend, now her name's gotta be Kim, shii-ii-ii-ii-ii-ii-iit

If you only knew how much I hated you
For every motherfucking thing you ever put us through
Then I wouldn't be standin' here cryin' over you, boo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-hoo

You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you I puke
You must just not know
You may not think you do but you do
Every time I think of you I puke

I was gonna take the time to sit down
And write you a little letter
But I thought a song would probably be a little better
Instead of a letter, that you'd probably just shred up


I stumbled on your picture yesterday and it made me stop and think of
How much of a waste it'd be for me to put some ink to
A stupid piece of paper, I'd rather let you see how
Much I fuckin' hate you in a freestyle
You're a fuckin' coke-head slut, I hope you fuckin' die
I hope you get to hell and Satan sticks a needle in your eye
I hate your fuckin' guts you fuckin' slut I hope you die, di-ii-ii-ii-ii-ii-iie
But please don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or mad
It's not that I still love you, it's not cause I want you back
It's just that when I think of you it makes me want to yack


But what else can I do? I haven't got a clue
Now I guess I'll just move on, I have no choice but to
But every time I think of you now all I want to do is pu-uu-uu-uu-uu-uu-uke

You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you I puke
You must just not know
You may not think you do but you do
Every time I think of you I puke!"

The crowd cheered as Y/n bowed. He smirked mischievously, as the crowd settled down.

"Thank you all. Honestly, I appreciate all of the love, it's quite a contrast to how Emiko treated me." Y/n chuckled.

Emiko's heart dropped, no way, no way was he going to do this, in front of the entire student body?!

"Airi Emiko, a lying, cheating, scum of the earth that should honestly be killed for her crimes. She's been working hard to make my life a living hell." Y/n began.

He paced the stage, and told everyone, everything that Emiko did.

Gasps of shock erupted from the auditorium, and glares, looks of disappointment and hatred were all directed towards Emiko.

"She just makes me so sick...I could puke." Y/n said.

He jumped off of stage and grabbed Emiko's hand.

"Despite this, I believe Emiko deserves a little gift before we end the show." Y/n said.

Emiko looked at him with uncertainty, and she could feel something bad was about to happen.

"Stand here and I'll get you a crown." Y/n whispered to her.

"You move, I'll kill you. I know you're working with my dad, you bitch. Don't test my patience." Y/n added.

Emiko gulped as Y/n walked away, how could he have possibly known?!

Y/n pulled a rope, and a foul smelling, brownish/greenish liquid fell over Emiko.

Emiko gasped, this wasn't what she was expecting at all.

"Vomit Princess!" Y/n called.

Emiko looked at him, and tears pricked her eyes as the students laughed at her, calling her Vomit Princess.

"N-no! This wasn't how it was supposed to go!!" Emiko cried.

"Vomit Princess!"

"You gonna cry? You gonna cry Vomit Princess?!"

"Get off the stage you smelly bitch!"

"You skanky bitch!"



"Slutty Vomit Princess!"

"I can't believe you hurt Y/n-Sama!"

"You don't deserve him! You never did!"

Y/n watched in satisfaction as Emiko was verbally abused by practically the entire school.

Emiko cried off of the stage, and ran out of the auditorium.

Y/n walked back up to the microphone.

"Than you all for showing up, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves, goodnight." He bid farewell to his crowd, and left.

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