~Unwavering Emotions~

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Y/n escorted Komi in the car, his sisters had hitched a ride with Najimi, so it was just the two of them.

Y/n turned to Komi, seeing her leaning on the window.

"Did you have fun?" Y/n asked.

"Mhm." Komi hummed.

She had a small smile on her face as she reminisced on the eventful day. An entire day with Y/n at that.

She felt so warm, and happy, despite being so cold and damp, because her hair refused to dry, so the water droplets from her hair got on her sundress.

"That's great." Y/n said, sitting back in his seat.

He expertly swerved in the next lane, and his eyes lit up gently as he looked at Komi, and then back at the road.

"Can I show you something?" Y/n asked.

Komi tilted her head.

Y/n pulled over as Komi looked out of the window.

There was a vast plain land and one singular Sakura tree.

Komi's eyes widened and she looked at the large tree in awe

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Komi's eyes widened and she looked at the large tree in awe.

Y/n opened Komi's door for her.

"I come here...to clear my mind, to write songs, or just to chill, get away from the world." Y/n said.

Komi was speechless, the grass was a healthy shade of green, it was soft and bright. The large Sakura tree was in full bloom, it's petals fell and surrounded the tree's trunk. It's petals were also healthy, bright, and a lovely shade of pink.

Y/n grabbed Komi's hand and led her under the tree. Komi's heart accelerated, was he about to confess?!

'I-I-is he going to confess?! T-to me?! O-oh this is- this is fast! This is too fast! I'm not ready! I don't know the first thing about relationships! What if I disappoint him? What if-?' Komi thought.

A single look from Y/n cut her thoughts off, she reveled in how gorgeous he looked under the pastel pink Sakura petals, and how the shade felt so cool, despite the heat rising to her face.

"I brought you here..." Y/n started.

Komi's heart beat out of her chest, this was it, he was going to say it...

"...to help you talk more." He finished.

Komi stared at Y/n, her mind went blank as her eyes bore into Y/n's soul.

A wave of relief...and a pang of disappointment washed over her.

"I felt that in order to express yourself comfortably, you'd have to be in a place worthy of that comfort. And well...I express myself a lot here, so I thought you'd be able to as well. It's okay if you don't like it here I can just take you home if you want-

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