~What The Fuck?!~

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Y/n paced around his room frantically. He kept thinking of different ways to tell Komi he liked her and wanted to take her out without sounding like an incompetent, selfish, jerk.

"Man, this shit is fucking nerve-racking." He growled as he ruffled his hair.

"Fuck..." He sighed as he fell back in his bed. He looked at his phone, Komi's name on his screen.

Y/n pressed the phone icon and raised the phone to his ear. The phone was answered and a small smile appears on Y/n's face.

"Hey, Shoko, I was wondering if-

"If you want the girl back safe and sound, come to this address, alone. No reinforcements, no weapons. Just you, in an hour." A deep voice rang from the other side.

His smile dropped along with his heart, and anger shot up in his throat.

He heard Komi's trembling whimpers on the other side, and a gun cocking.

"H-h-h-h-help...m-me...Y-Y-Y-/n!" She whimpered shakily.

Y/n's eyes widened as tears pricked his eyes both in anger...

And fear...

Something he hadn't felt in a long time...


Instantly, his sisters ran in the room alongside his mother with worried looks on their faces.

"What happened?" Chihiro asked.

"Like I said boy, if you want the girl, come to this address." The voice said, and Y/n's phone buzzed, and he checked his messages, seeing an address.

"I'll fucking kill your ass as soon as I get there..." He grumbled.

He hung up the phone, wiped his face, and pushed past his sisters and mother.

"Y/n whats going on?!" Chihiro asked.

"What happened to Shoko-Chan?" Nanami asked.

"I don't know for sure but some shady guy wants me to come down to this address alone to get her back." Y/n huffed, showing the text message swiftly before running down the stairs.

"You aren't really going alone are you?" Asami asked.

"Hell no. Sorry mom. Toman would never allow it."

"Toman?" Asami asked.

"Tokyo Manji." Chihiro said.

"Oh..." Asami sighed.

Y/n slipped on his shoes as quickly as he could and grabbed his keys off of the counter near the door.

"Alright, I'll be back." He said and left the house.

"Please come back safe honey! You don't know who these people are! They could be killers for all we know!" Chihiro said.

"Don't worry about me. You just keep Sami and Nami safe..." Y/n said gently as he mounted his motorcycle.

He swiftly drove off after cranking it up, and drove to the Toman base.

"Mikey!" Y/n yelled as he burst through the doors.

"What the hell? You good Y/n?" Baji asked.

"What's with the noise?" Draken questioned.

"Some shady bitch ass people kidnapped a friend of mine and want me to come get her, alone." Y/n explained.

"What kinda dumbasses are they to think we'll let that happen?" Angry grumbled.

"Heh, don't worry Y/n, we've got your back." Mikey said, coming out of nowhere.

"Great. Here's the address." Y/n said, sending Mikey the address.

"And I'll be sharing my location as soon as I get there in case anything goes left." Y/n added.

"Alright boys, lets get ready, Y/n you go on ahead and try to hang on until we get there in case they jump you." Mikey said.

"Hell yeah!"

"We get to pummel some bastards!"

"Fuckin' pussies!"

"Baji, let go of my fucking braid before I send you six feet into the dirt!"

"I won't let those bastards get the upper hand. They messed with the wrong friend." Y/n assured.

Mikey smiled and nodded at Y/n, to which Y/n nodded back and marched out of the base and got back on his motorcycle. He put in the address in his GPS and sped off into the streets.

As he drove, he couldn't get the thought of Komi out of his head. He gritted his teeth, he came into her life with all of this drama...and now she's in danger because of him.

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!" He shouted as he switched lanes quickly.

He pressed on the gas harder, accelerating his speed. The place was an abandoned warehouse far from civilization.

He only had 42 minutes to get there as well yet he was 57 minutes away.

He cut in front of a car in the turning lane and his tires screeched loudly as he swerved.

"Dammit Shoko...just hang in there a little bit longer..." He bit his lip, refusing to allow his oncoming tears to surface.

36 minutes of speeding later, Y/n finally made it to the warehouse, of course avoiding the police.

He quickly got off of his motorcycle and ran to the doors and peeled the wood barricade off of them, and once he did, he entered the building.

"Shoko?! Shoko, where are you?!" He asked quickly, squinting his eyes as darkness was the only thing evident in the room.

A muffled squeal erupted from in front of him, and the lights in the warehouse flickered on, and Y/n clenched his jaw as he saw Komi before him, in nothing but her underwear, with a gag ball in her mouth. Around ten guys dressed in all black stood by her, possibly to guard her. Her face was puffy and she had dried tear streaks on her cheeks. Her body was bruised and the sight of her hurt made Y/n even more angrier than he had ever been.

Angrier than when his father hurt his mother

Angrier than when Emiko showed her disgusting face...

His anger fueled his intent to kill, and he growled like a wild wolf.

"I'm so glad you could come Y/n..." A voice echoed. 

"Where the hell are you?! Show yourself so I can rip your damn head off you dickless, piece of shit mosquito! Taking advantage of a defenseless girl like this!" Y/n roared.

"Oh, I'm hurt...and here I thought I fixed that mouth of yours..." The voice spoke again.

That's when Y/n froze.

Airi stepped forward from behind the men dressed in black.

"Hey sweetie! Sooo glad to see you again~!" She giggled, a knife was in her hand.

"You fucking-!" Y/n exclaimed but someone else stepped from behind the group of men.

Someone Y/n knew all too well.

"Y-you..." Y/n growled.

Hitoshi smirked at his son.

"It's nice to see you again, my dearest and only son."

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