~Winter is Here!~

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Y/n sighed as he got off his motorcycle and entered the school. He fixed the scarf his mother gave him, and exhaled.

"Mornin' Shoko..." He muttered.

Shoko flinched in fear, her cat ears and tail shot up along with her. She turned around to face Y/n, and bowed.

"Sup Hito." Y/n greeted Tadano behind Shoko.

"Good morning, Y/n-San." Tadano spoke.

"I'll see you all in class." He said as he pet Shoko's head and changed his shoes, walking to class afterwards.

He sat down in his seat and scrolled through his phone.

"Good morning Y/n-Kun! How's your frosty winter morning?" Osana asked.

"It's cool." Y/n replied.

He genuinely wanted this day and tomorrow to end so he could skip to beating and killing his sperm donor.

Shoko stood in front of Y/n and held out a notepad.

Y/n looked up and made eye contact with her, he grabbed the notepad and read it.

"Book of Friends."

"Oh I see, you want me to write my name?" Y/n asked.

Shoko nodded and flipped to the first page, seeing it labeled as "Best Friend", and pointed to it.

Y/n wrote his name under it and gave it back to Shoko.

"So we're best friends?" Y/n asked.

Shoko hesitantly nodded, for what reason Y/n didn't know, but nonetheless, he sent her a smirk.

She went on to get her other friends to write their names in her notepad, and afterwards they went over it.

Osana flipped through the pages and looked at Shoko.

"Done already?" They asked.

↫「 💬 Not trying to be mean

To reach 100 she needs 86 more.

"It's already been six months." Osana sighed.

Shoko shrieked in despair as Y/n chuckled under his breath.

In the halls though, an unfamiliar student walked through the halls, and every student tried their best to avoid them.

"My name is Makoto Katai. I'm a regular high-school student. My favorite food is Hamburg steak. My least favorite is green peppers. I'm a late bloomer, and kind of shy. I'm not good at taking the initiative."

The male in question had a scary smile on his face, one that scared off other students.

Y/n looked at the door, seeing the male walk in and instantly, the rest of the class' blood ran cold. He had accidentally kicked the door and paused for a moment.

"Who could that be?"

"What's his deal?"

"He's angry!"

Y/n shrugged and went back to his phone. He knew the boy wasn't angry, just nervous, and he could tell by the way his body was tensed up, not to mention his walk, which was definitely diffident.

He made two laps around the classroom, more than likely he was looking for his desk, Y/n assumed.

His eyes lifted and he watched the male walk around aimlessly, and decided that he would wait in the back for the teacher. Everyone stared at him, watching as he lifted his head up to flash what he thought was a smile, but everyone else thought quite differently.

"Hey ho!" Osana exclaimed walking through the doors.

"Oh! Katai! Long time no see!" They greeted.

"Our savior!" The class mentally cheered.

"When did I see you last? Anyway, besides that. You've really cha- GURK!" Osana exclaimed but was taken outside of the classroom by Katai. The entire class thought that Katai had mercilessly killed Osana...he came back into the classroom.

The male fidgeted in the corner, and lifted his head, seeing everyone swarm around Y/n and Shoko.

"Everyone's gathered in one spot. I guess they're the popular students." Katai thought.

Y/n sighed in irritation, all of these people crowding him made him want to beat them all to a bloody pulp.

"We must protect Komi and Y/n-Sama at all costs!"

"I've got to change! I'll go talk to them!" Katai thought.

"Yikes! He's coming!"

The class delinquents had tried their best to protect Y/n and Shoko, but that didn't exactly work out as they all sat at their desks quietly after misunderstanding Kitai's words.

Katai walked up to Y/n and they made eye contact.

"I'm scared!" Katai thought.

"The hell are you lookin' at?" Y/n asked.

Katai only trembled in response.

"That's our Y/n!"

"I knew we could count on him!"

"Look at the guy he's practically shaking!"

"Y/n's way scarier than him."

"D-d-day! D-de-desk!" Katai managed to say.

"Huh?" Y/n tilted his head, and then he saw Shoko, who shook her head at him.

"Stop being mean!" Her eyes told him.

He sighed and looked back at Katai, who stiffened up as they made eye contact again.

"Your name's Katai correct?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah." Katai spoke, his voice was low.

'Aah! No! My voice changed and now it's super low! If I don't make it higher, I sound like I'm really mad! He's definitely gonna kill me!' Katai panicked internally.

'This guy's sort've like Shoko...' Y/n observed.

"Listen, you were out of school for a while, how about I show you around this place before classes start?" Y/n offered.

Katai's eyes widened gently, and he felt warmth  wash over him.

"I'd....like that." Katai spoke.

"By the way, your desk is in front of Shoko's." Y/n said, pointing to the desk.

Y/n and Katai, accompanied by Shoko, walked around the school.

"I swear I thought you'd kill me by the way you sounded." Katai sighed.

"I get that a lot." Y/n stated simply.

'Is he not going to deny he wanted to kill me?' Katai thought.

"Anyways, this is the concert band's room. You'll usually find me hangin' around here after school." Y/n explained.

"You're apart of the band?" Katai asked.

"Yeah. Lead vocalist." Y/n answered.

"Woah...no wonder why you're so popular." Katai said.

"I suppose. Though before joining the band everyone swarmed me just cause I was...what did they say...? Daddy material I think?" Y/n said.

Katai chuckled gently. He then noticed that Shoko was very close to Y/n.

"Are the two of you dating?" Katai asked.

Y/n's face went red along with Shoko's.

"N-no. She's my best friend!" Y/n said quickly, looking away to hide his face.

Shoko nodded, despite the label hurting slightly, she agreed because she didn't know what to make of her feelings.

She felt...warm when he was nearby, and she loved being near him, any second away from him felt like torture!

She was happiest when with Y/n.

'So...what does that mean...?' Shoko thought as they walked back to class.

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