~Confession!...Acceptance or Rejection?~

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(Okay okay, you've all persuaded me to do the chapter torturing Airi! 50 comments are not needed any longer, I'm proud of your efforts dear readers, and your wish is my command, look out for the next chapter!!)

The ride home was quiet. Shoko hadn't spoken to Y/n after his confession, she was still processing everything in fact.

Y/n was nervous, more nervous than he had ever been. Shoko hadn't spoken a word to him after he had kissed her and told her his true feelings, she spaced out the entire time and hadn't moved a muscle ever since the dance ended and they got in the car.

Y/n bit his lip as he slowed to a stop at Shoko's house.

"W-well uh- I had-." Y/n began but Shoko cut him off by exiting the car swiftly.

She ran to her door with the bouquet in her hands, and she swiftly entered without batting an eye to Y/n.

His eye twitched as he watched her leave. He ran a hand through his hair frustratingly.

"You complete idiot! You probably scared her off by kissing her so suddenly! Then you tell her you love her! Agh she's probably in love with Hitohito now that I think about it! And I ruined any chance of her getting with him because I kissed her in front of everyone!" Y/n exclaimed to himself, speeding off angrily.

He loosened his tie as soon as he got through the doors of his room and threw it someplace angrily.

"Fucking idiot! I knew she wouldn't have an ounce of romantic feelings for me...! How could I have been so stupid?! I was too naive! Just because we spent so much time together...just because she comforted me in my time of need...doesn't mean...she'd like some crazed lunatic like me!" Y/n yelled.

He punched his wall, a giant hole replaced the smooth paint, as a tear fell down his eye.

He was heartbroken...and this one hurt more than Airi...

"I can't believe this...then again...maybe it's for the best...I did almost get her killed after all...maybe that's why she doesn't want a relationship with me. Hitohito's an ordinary guy that isn't affiliated with a gang. He doesn't have so much baggage on him...so she'd be able to live a normal life with him...whereas I'm a chaotic mess..." Y/n spoke softly.

His ranting left him a tearful mess. It's been a while since he cried over a girl. He never thought he'd go through this shit again.

"I should've kept my fucking mouth closed. I'm such...an idiot..." He sobbed.

A soft knock was heard at his door, and before he could gather himself together, his mother came in. She had her robe on, and her eyes were squinted.

"What's all of the noise for, N/n?" Chihiro asked.

She looked at her son, whose hand was in the wall and tears streamed down his face.

"Oh my, baby what's wrong?" Chihiro asked, she quickly ran over to him and helped pull his arm out of the wall and set him down on the floor.

"S-Shoko..." Y/n cried.

He broke down instantly, it was as if his entire world shattered, he never imagined he'd get so worked up over one girl...

She was special...

"I'm such an idiot, Ma! I'm a complete halfwit!" Y/n shoved his face into his mother's shoulder.

"You're not dear...don't call yourself that. I'm sure she was just shocked is all." Chihiro spoke, instantly understanding what happened.

"She was so quick...to leave Ma! She didn't even want to be anywhere near me!"

"That's not true. She needed to process it, maybe she was flustered." Chihiro assured.

She rubbed Y/n's arm and held him closely.

Y/n sniffled as he pulled away.

"So...she'll talk to me by tomorrow right?" Y/n asked.

"I'm certain! She may even give you an answer! But you shouldn't worry about that so late at night, I'm sure you're tired, get some rest and think of this tomorrow okay?" Chihiro said with a kind smile.

Y/n wipes his face and nodded.

"Right!" Y/n said.

But as soon as Chihiro left her son, he was back to thinking back on it.

"Maybe I should've been less direct..." He muttered as he turned his shower on.

"Or I should've practiced. I did sound like a babbling idiot. Who the hell says "I like your face" as a fucking confession?" Y/n berated himself as he rolled his hair. (You have a feminine side lmao-)

Y/n stepped in the shower and looked at the water like a lost, helpless puppy.

"I would've just been better off not saying anything." He sighed.

As he kept muttering things to himself while showering, he couldn't help but reflect on he and Shoko's past, the moments they had together.

They all sent his heart on a fifteen mile race, and his face in a pool of red food coloring.

He got out of the shower and dried off, putting lotion on, and then climbing into bed.

So like...

The next day was not anything like what Chihiro said.

Shoko avoided the hell out of Y/n.


Y/n chuckled as hung his head down behind the school building.

"This is some shit..." He mumbled.

He ruffled his hair, Shoko ran through his mind more than a track star and it was distracting him from the world.

He then returned to class after his smoke break.

'I may just go to weed because of this girl...' He thought as he walked to his desk.

"What? You want us to take you home? Really Komi-San?! Oh this is absolutely amazing! I get to know where Komi-San lives!!" Ren exclaimed.

Y/n froze as he looked over at the scene. Shoko was indeed over there near Ren Amai and her group of Shoko worshippers, and she was bowing.

Y/n clenched his jaw. She truly didn't want to be anywhere near him.

So...to take the burden off of Shoko's shoulders, Y/n stood up out of his desk and left the class.

Shoko looked along with the class.

"Is he alright?"

"I don't think so..."

"Maybe he's mad about Komi reje-."

"Shh! Are you an idiot?! She didn't reject him! They kissed remember?!"

"If they're together then why is she avoiding him?"

"Oh yeah..."

"I guess she did reject him! And he's heartbroken!"

That's when a pang of guilt ran through Shoko's heart.

She didn't mean to hurt him...

'It's all...a misunderstanding...'

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