~Testing the Waters~

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"What?" He asked.

"I'm seeing someone. And I want you to meet him when you come back." Chihiro smiled.

Y/n felt a conflicting emotion. He wanted to so desperately be happy for his mother as she seemed genuinely happy...but his trust issues kicked in and he became suspicious.

"You're gonna introduce some dude you just met to your kids just like that?" Y/n asked.

"I've been seeing him for a few months now, I had a feeling you wouldn't be pleased."

"Considering the last guy you went with was a psychopath, yeah! How do you know this guy won't turn out the same?" Y/n asked.

"Because not all men are the same. Look at you and Shoko, you believed she would be like Airi but look at how happy she's made you."

"Don't bring Shoko in this! She's too sweet and caring to do something on the caliber of-

"What I'm saying is, you gave Shoko and your friends a chance! Why can't you give this man a chance? For me...?" Chihiro asked.

Y/n realized how unreasonable he was being, and that his mother had a point, so he retreated.

"You know what, you're right mom. I can't wait to meet this guy." Y/n smiled softly.

"Thank you sweetheart. I'm sure you'll love him." His mother hugged him and Y/n ran his hand through his hair.

"I just realized I leave tomorrow. I'll bring him back a souvenir. Any idea what he would like?" Y/n asked.

"He enjoys reading, and anything to deal with science. You'll learn more about him when you meet him." Chihiro explained excitedly.

She was truly happy, that she was.

Y/n smiled at his mother and nodded.

"Right, I'll be sure to find something. If you'll excuse me, I have to double check my bags." Y/n said.

He made his way up to his room and called Shoko.

"Hey you busy? I wanna go out before we leave." Y/n said.

"O-oh sure! L-let me get ready!" Shoko said energetically.

"Great, I'll be there in 30." Y/n said and hung up.


"We leave first thing in the morning..." Y/n groaned.

He laid in Shoko's lap, looking up at the Sakura tree that was now white.

"You know why I love this tree so much, Shoko?" Y/n asked.

"Why?" Shoko inquired.

"Because the petals never die off. They adjust to the weather and keep persisting through it. No matter how harshly cold or hot it is, it thrives in the worst of times, as well as the best." Y/n explained.

"Mm...you're right...it's still majestic even in the cold." Shoko smiled as she looked up at it.

"Just gorgeous..." Y/n sighed.

Shoko then looked down at Y/n, who was staring at her the entire time.

"I agree..." She responded.

Y/n lifted his hand to caress her cheek and he pulled her down to kiss him.

Shoko closed her eyes, kissing back, or at least trying to.

The white petals danced around the two and Y/n deepened the kiss, he was being cautious, as he and Shoko have never made out before, so he didn't want to push her too much and make her uncomfortable.

Her body language told him she was fine, and hell, she was kissing back without hesitation.

He licked her lips, asking permission to enter her mouth, she didn't know what that meant though, so Y/n parted her lips with his and thrusted his tongue in her mouth, Shoko gasped as her face reddened.

This was new.

Y/n sat up further and began to take more control over the kiss-turned-makeout.

Shoko wrapped her arms around his neck as one of her arms retracted and held his cheek. His tongue dove within her wet cavern and she was loving every minute of it.

The two then pulled away, out of breath and reduced to the redness on their cheeks.

"I-I didn't expect that..." Shoko panted.

"I was just seeing what all you can handle. If our kissing is leaving you so flustered, I wonder what more would do to you?" Y/n smirked, caressing her cheek.

Shoko blushed, her cat ears perked up as she looked away with closed eyes.

"Stop that!" She squealed.

Y/n chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"God, you're so cute..." He smiled.

Shoko's heart skipped a beat as Y/n took her hand and kissed her palm.

"It's getting dark, I'll take you home." Y/n said.

Shoko nodded.

4 o'clock in the morning, Y/n was making moves, checking his bags.

"Alright, all set." Y/n told his mom.

"Okay, let's go." Chihiro smiled as she got her keys.

The drive to the airport served to be the quickest. Y/n kissed his mother goodbye and strolled into the airport and found his peoples.

"Why didn't we meet up at school and just drove to the airport?" Najimi groaned.

"Because, dipshit, it was pointless to have everyone drive to school, pay to rent multiple buses for a twelve minute drive, and manage a horde of children in those compact buses. You know they needed one full plane just for all of us? Plus, this way people have the freedom to arrive here as early as they please, get some good breakfast or any other necessary items they'd need for the plane ride since the airport has small stores in here." Y/n explained.

He pulled Shoko closer to him as he spoke, the girl blushed gently as she snuggled up on him, purring.

"Our flight is taking off in an hour so get your things and let's get our tickets." The chaperone stated.

The kids all moved in a single file line, and very quickly they boarded the plane and took their seats. Surprisingly, there were two seaters in the front of the plane, three seaters in the middle, and four seaters in the back.

Shoko and Y/n sat in the front of the plane, Y/n leaned on the window as he looked at the workers transporting the luggage into the lower deck.

"Y-...Y-Y/n...?" Shoko whispered.

"Yeah?" The boy asked.

She motioned to her lap, patting it gently.

"You want me to lay on your lap?" Y/n asked.

"I...if you...want to." She mumbled.

Y/n shrugged and laid down on her lap, he repositioned himself many times to try to get more comfortable and he sighed in relief when he finally did.

Shoko smiled softly and ran her hands through his hair.

Najimi and Tadano sat on the side of them and Najimi snapped a photo of the two before Y/n could notice. They laughed and showed Tadano who just smiled sheepishly.

"They're really cute together don't you think?" Tadano asked.

Najimi nodded.

"They sure are."

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