~A Normal Dinner~

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Shoko walked into her home, the smell of dinner being made by her mother hit her nostrils instantly.

"Welcome back home dear! Did you enjoy yourself?" Her mother asked.

Shoko nodded at her mother. Her mother smirked mischievously at her daughter as she crept closer to her.

"Who was that cute boy I saw you with on the porch?" She whispered.

Shoko blushed as she looked around for anything to distract her mother with.

"He's such a cutie! You should invite him over for dinner tomorrow!" Her mom exclaimed.

Shoko did her signature bug face, with a blush all over her face as she shook her head.

"Of course, you should! I'd like to meet him! He could be a potential Son-In-Law! Invite him!" Was her mother's response.

"Now go! Dinner isn't ready yet." Shoko's mom shooed her away, Shoko reluctantly went to her room.

A part of her genuinely wanted to invite Y/n over...but how would she even do that?

What would she say...?


Y/n sighed as he handed the bag to Asami and the large plush to Nanami.

"AW THANK YOU Y/N-NII!" Nanami exclaimed, hugging the boy.

"Yeah bro this outfit kicks ASS! I always knew you had a good sense of fashion~!" Asami teased.

"Just say thank you, dimwit." Y/n said, rolling his eyes as he hugged Nanami.

"Be grateful I complimented your choice of clothes, you ingrate!" Asami exclaimed.

"Now, now you two. No name-calling. Dinner is ready!" Chihiro scolded.

"Yeah, ma. Thanks." Asami said.

Y/n dashed to the table and eagerly looked at the food choices.

"Dig in whenever you're ready." His mother said.

Y/n placed his hands together.

"Itadakimasu!" He said sharply and began to wolf down his meal.


Laying in his bed on his phone, Y/n received a call from an unknown number.

"State your name and business or else I'm hanging up in 4 seconds." Y/n said with an irritated sigh.

The person on the other side of the call had let out a squeak before trying to hurry and say her name.

"I-I-It's...Sh-....Sh-...Shoko...." Komi said on the other line.

Her voice was quiet, and it shocked Y/n to hear her say a full word without stuttering too much.

"Shoko? Hey, what's up?" Y/n asked.

"M...My mom...wants t-to...h-have....y-y-you...f-....for di....din...ner..." Komi answered.

"Tomorrow I'm presuming?" Y/n asked.

"M-mhm." Komi meekly replied.

"Sure thing. I'll be over there by 6, that cool?" Y/n asked.

"Mhm." Komi said.

"Alright, see you then." Y/n said.

Komi hung up and stared at her phone for a moment. She hugged it close to her bosom and fell on her bed.

"A conversation...I had a conversation with Y/n..." She thought.


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