~Day Three: Sunday~

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Y/n yawned as he walked in the basement, his father flinched as he looked up.

Y/n had the guys rape him late at night, simply because he woke up at 2 in the morning, bored.

"How was your night?" Y/n asked.

"G-great..." Hitoshi replied shakily.

"You're lying." Y/n scoffed.

"I-if I had said bad what would you have done?" Hitoshi asked.

"Laughed...duh." Y/n chuckled lightly.

Hitoshi frowned and looked down in defeat.

"Those men...raped me until I couldn't process words any longer..." Hitoshi cried.

"Yeah, that's crazy." Y/n said, lighting a cigarette.

"Y-you smoke?" Hitoshi asked.

"Yeah, not often though. The taste gets disgusting after a while." Y/n replied.

Hitoshi stared at Y/n as he exhaled the puff of smoke.

"You look just like your mother..." Hitoshi smiled.

Y/n looked at Hitoshi and flicked the ash at him.

"Is that why you fucked me?" Y/n asked.

Hitoshi froze for a moment, his smile had disappeared and he looked back down.

"You're such a pathetic fool. You can't even own up to raping me when I was a fuckin kid." Y/n sighed.

He puffed his cigarette once more and put it out afterwards. He threw the cigarette at Hitoshi and pulled his backpack to him.

He pulled out a gun and loaded it.

"Kids like you shouldn't be playing with guns." Hitoshi warned.

Y/n glared down at Hitoshi as he aimed the gun at him.

"Who said I was playing?"

He shot Hitoshi's ear off, the man let out a blood curdling scream as his arms pulled at the shackles, as he wanted to hold his now bleeding ear...or at least what's left of it.

"Hm...a shame, I suppose I can't aim..." Y/n uttered.

"Y-y/n...please...j-just think! T-think about...wh-what you're doing! This isn't right!" Hitoshi screamed.

"Oh? Let's look a bit at you then. You abused and beat and mistreated my mother and raped her with little to no regard for her or your children. You verbally abused me, Nanami, and Asami just for the sin of existing when we didn't ask to be born to a sack of shit like you, not to mention you physically abused me whenever I tried to save my mother from your monstrosity, and when it got too much for you to handle you broke me by raping me. And yet me getting revenge is wrong?" Y/n asked.

He crouched down and shoved the gun into Hitoshi's mouth, the eye contact they held was tense and one held murderous intent, while the other had tearful eyes.

"Listen to me, and listen well motherfucker. You're dead to us. You were dead to us from the moment you first expressed your dislike for us. Mother still had hope but I hated you with a burnin' fuckin' passion! You're still dead to us, you're just a breathing carcass, ready to be shot down..." Y/n growled.

Y/n cocked the gun back and was prepared to pull the trigger, but Mikey opened the door.

"Y/n!" He said.

"Fuck! What?! WHAT?!" Y/n yelled.

"We got...the other one." Mikey panted.

"Airi?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah. Bring her down Draken!" Mikey said.

Draken threw Airi in the basement and Hitoshi's eyes went wide, he knew what this meant.

"So...you did know it was her..." Hitoshi said.

"I wouldn't lie unlike you. Scumbag." Y/n snarled.

He then walked up to Airi and kicked her in the stomach.

"Thanks Mikey, sorry for yelling at you." Y/n apologized.

"It's cool." Mikey replied.

He then took Draken back upstairs to eat, and Y/n smirked at Airi.

"I would drag this on for as long as possible, but honestly, I have to go get ready to see Shoko, so I think I'll make this as quick and painful as possible." Y/n said.

He aimlessly pointed the gun at Hitoshi and pulled the trigger, the bullet flew in his stomach.

"Agh!" Hitoshi groaned.

Y/n twirled the gun with his finger, bringing it in front of him and then aimlessly shot at Airi.

The bullet pierced her thigh.

"AHHH!" She cried.

"M-my father-!!" Airi yelled.

"Will know nothing. As a matter of fact he'll pretend that you never existed." Y/n said.

He shot at Hitoshi again, the bullet pierced his arm, and then he looked Airi dead in her eyes and shot her in the middle of her forehead.

"One down, one to go..." Y/n smiled as he turned around to Hitoshi.

"W-wait...p-please...I-I-I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry Y/n please!" Hitoshi sobbed.

"You're sorry? Oh, sorry! He's sorry! He's sorry, he's sorry, he's sorry!" Y/n mimicked.

His smiled was instantly replaced with a cold glare as he pointed the gun at his father.

"Too late for that, bastard."

Then...the rest is history.

Y/n wiped off his gun and chucked it to the side, he looked at his father's limp body and fell to his knees. He shoved his face into his hands and sobbed loudly.

"I-...I did it....I finally...d-did it!!" He cried.

Mikey, Draken, Smiley, Angry, and Chifuyu all gathered around him to comfort him.

Baji kicked Hitoshi's dead corpse, and then proceeded to go to the Y/n Comfort Pile.

Y/n's crying turned into laughter as he smiled widely.

His smile was genuine...and he felt free.

"Thank you...all of you...!" Y/n laughed.

His tears of happiness streamed down his face as the gang huddled to hug him.

Y/n drove straight home to deliver the news to his mother.

"You...killed him?" Chihiro asked.

Y/n nodded, a giddy smile on his face.

"He's gone ma! For good!" Y/n cheered.

Chihiro gasped at her son's behavior, it reminded her of the good old days.

"Mama! Look at me! Nami's flying on my back! I'm so strong!"

"You sure are sweetheart...!"

Chihiro's tears flooded through her eyes as she hugged Y/n tightly.

"No longer shall he torment us..." Y/n said softly as he held his mother tightly.

His sisters were gone, he figured he'd tell them when he got back from seeing Shoko.

But either way...this was a sure fire way to end the weekend...

(Heya guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I'm sure you're wondering why I made Airi die a quick death, that's cause she's insignificant, thus she had to die a insignificant death, besides Hitoshi was the one we needed to enjoy the suffering of...right?

But for all my Airi haters, I will gladly create a chapter full of Y/n torturing the hell out of her if you so wish for it.

If this line here gets over...50 comments, I'll do it.

Okay that's all goodbye! Thank you for reading!)

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